Job – From Riches to Rags and Rags to Riches
The book of Job is a gripping story of Job, the man of God, going from riches to rags and then rags to riches. It tells how in a matter of minutes, a prominently wealthy and godly man lost all his possessions, all of his children, and finally his health. Even his wife told Job to curse God and die, and his friends condemned, rather than consoled him. Job was a prosperous farmer living in the land of Uz. Lou Nicholes grew up in a rural home where his family didn’t have electricity or running water during the early years of his childhood. His family wasn’t considered poor but he certainly writes this book through the eyes of someone who didn’t have all the things that we consider the necessities of life today. His outline for this book is:
1. The disasters of Job (Chapters 1-2).
2. The disappointments of Job (Chapters 3-37).
3. The discussion of Job with God (Chapters 38-41).
4. The deliverance of Job (Chapter 42).
More info: 139 Pages, 54 Devotional Messages, © 2007