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Her hands shook slightly, and she lowered her head.Because I killed James. Dale noticed Samara didnt wear perfume. One of the few conditions of the new car was to operate a free taxi service for his parents. Having raised their children, they believed it was time to reap the benefits. Hed fulfilled his obligations twice, and on both occasions been swamped with the alcoholic kiss of his mothers perfume. With Samara so close, he detected the slight freshness of her deodorant, her shampoo, the slight saltiness on her breath in the steamy confines of the car. Aware how close his hand lay to hers as he changed the gears. He glanced to the side. Jeren. Elayne pulled away from her and lurched towards the last slumped body. Vertigern. The man who had betrayed her, who had brought them here. Hes still alive, Jeren. Please! It never paid for any of Shans people to deal with humans. The cost was always too high. Had not a man the humans counted as a great leader, a lord of many tributes, murdered Shans sister, Falinar? 12. Jeren let go, trusting in fate, destiny and her goddess. The one thing she knew for sure was Shan had come back for her. And maybe the future they had seen wouldnt happen. Maybe he looked too different, or maybe the Otherling marks upon him would fade in time. But it didnt matter, not now. Not anymore. Admittance that the girl had never been outside but was an unwanted tenant long due eviction. Was the history etched into her skin an attempt to release that dark presence? To drive her out with pain? Catherine? asks Rowan, keeping up. A glance out of the window showed that the woman had ventured closer still to Samaras family. She had wandered down onto the pebbles. Anala whined, circling them, her tail held low. He scrubbed his hand against his scalp through the fine braids of his white blond hair, scanning the deep shadows of the woods and the distant landscape beyond. His sight far exceeded her own, as did his hearing. She waited calmly, hoping his news would be better. Our mission is to find it, free the captives and kill the Fellna. Something new. I dont know. Otherlings. Part me, part Fell, part—part whatever was in that chamber. You look angry. Ariahs liquid voice made her start. Are you all right? Indarins voice was frantic, wild. Jerens head filled with the ringing of bells and the snarling of beasts. Fethan backed away, arms held out to ward off the former Shaman. They came at him like a swarm of shadows sweeping down the hillside, between the trees, bringing the night with them. Darkness whirled around him and the world changed. So many, far more than hed ever seen in one place. Blind to anything but the danger to Jeren, he ran right into the narrow valley where theyd laid their ambush. Ssshh, whispers Violet, and takes her friends cold hand. Its an affectionate gesture, and reminds Catherine just how sweet her friend can be when she isnt trying too hard to be mean. She is about to speak when a sound from up ahead makes her freeze where she stands. She feels like anintruder. Her head fills with a thousand different terrifying scenarios. She’s heard that some farmers and landowners shoot people found on their land. Without thinking, she squats down in the earth, dragging Violet down with her. Violet stifles a giggle. What are you doing? she hisses. Eve seems to be having a conversation with herself. She sniffs, foully, and looks ready to spit. She changes her mind in deference to the company. Fethan turned away and went back into the tent, muttering curses. Lady Jeren..