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Its quick, easy, and better than the alternative. Dont make me beg, Don. Again, the sound of drums. Wood and leather, rhythmic and swift: split wood beating a thunderous pulse on a perfect circle of taut skin. Damn. So what do you plan to do? 33 Her mind focussed on the work at hand, she turned from Vicki and the girl that hovered beside her and headed for her workstation: the canvas, unveiled and waiting, the selected paints and brushes, the tools of meaning. The babbling voices of the students around her and the faint din from the radio fell into silence with every step. The other works and the bustling bodies, the blazing light from the overhead tubes, and the grey haze from the window, became swallowed by darkness. He did …, The Enchassas grip closed around his throat. Lets end this, you and I, she whispered, her breath like the first warning of a snowstorm. He could do nothing but obey. I cringed as the door was flung open. Each time hed entered, Id gone through a new hell. My stomach somersaulted as he pushed the metal stretcher in front of him. This is why you should never make me angry, love. I do such horrible things when you make me angry. He feels the metal slide under the tortured epidermis of his ruined hands. Feels skin and pus-soaked bandages peel away from the meat beneath. He cannot contain the scream. It explodes from his mouth: a screech of bats and ravens erupting from the jaws of an ink-dark cave. But she is there. She can hear me. He laughed. For once, she cant answer back. Im in Charleston, so maybe an hour and a half. What kind of issue? Shan bristled.What did he do? So without further ado, said Jones. Lets get on with it, shall we? All rights reserved. Everything in here is to be changed, from the tapestries to the furniture. It must look like another room entirely, understand? And if she still doesnt want to come back here, you find her another room altogether. Not a killing blow, or rather one that would not kill quickly, though untended that was the inevitable end. He would bleed first. Bleed and bleed. Put it on speaker, and whatever she says, go along with it. Eve nodded, picturing it.A fight with a rival, sir? I presume it was all very free love …,.