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It makes all of us guilty of something, but I agree with Max. Our priority has to be finding Christian Salyer and Dakotas daughter. I could pass the information along to Don, and he could call it in as an anonymous tip. It would help if we knew who the girl was. It was all the information Shan needed. He hated the place with a passion he could not articulate. Falinar had died there, helpless and alone. He would not allow the same fate to befall Jeren. But as he pushed past Indarin, another sight stopped him in his tracks. Arent children supposed to believe in stories? Ylandra asked, pacing now, impatient. Not like that, interrupted Indarin. Jeren, its too dangerous. Dont you understand? Yeah, but not because I liked her personality. She followed the Christian Salyer stories and seemed to have inside knowledge. I thought she could tell me something I didnt know. I take it your meeting with Eve didnt go well, grumbles Sumaira, though some of the temper seems to be bleaching out of her voice. Ive ducked three calls from her this afternoon but the messages were pretty bloody clear. Some pain-in-the-arse writer knocking on her dor, stirring up trouble, making accusations. Shes threatening to come in and make a formal statement, which at least means I’ll get a chance to ask her to translate some of the notes left in the file. It’s all frigging hieroglyphs and Cuneiform to me. Lara laughed softly.It was most impressive, my Lady Holter. [ i_001.jpg] He struggled to calm them, but he knew they were right. Jeren still wanted him. Always would. As much as he wanted her. Dakota breathed in sharply.I need to see it, and I need to see them. I owe them that much. She climbed out. “Id like to do it alone. Like I say, I might not write a word …. The station is trying to reach you, Gabriel. Max turned eyes filled with pain and compassion on the Johnsons. Do either of you know a Sal Merck? The small cove darkened, as if clouds were shutting out the sun.No. 13. Rowan opens the door and ducks into the passenger seat, wiping the water from his face and muttering grateful thanks. Some tinny, cheesy pop music is bleeding out of the stereo. She switches it off, the sleeve of her fleece rising up to reveal a swirl of tree roots. Beneath the ink, he catches sight of thin white scars. Ive read the obituary, says Rowan. No children. With a single, shocking movement, Shan took hold of the mans head and neatly snapped his neck. The crack jolted through Jerens body and she took a step back. Maldrine flinched and Shan saw beyond the confidence. He could smell fear. River Holts Captain shouted his commands just a moment too late. Then they heard it.Devyn! Dorias voice rose in a wailed lament. “Sweet gods, my Devyn! Max could show you around the inside if youd like..