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You cant do that, Gabriel. Karen came to stand beside him. She has to do this on her own in her own way. Shes going to be okay. Did it matter? When will it air? I asked. Chapter Three Christian didnt kill you. If were right, he didnt kill any of those women. He rebelled in the only way he could by having someone else do the killing. And when she finally pointed a finger at you, he killed her. Not just his memories. His nightmares. His very worst nightmares from that moment on. The ones which brought him sweating and screaming back into reality in the dark of the night. Theyre perfect. Can I help you, sir? Youre police, yeah? he asked, his accent pure Glasgow. Thought youd come eventually. She left this. He held out the sack as if it were a bomb. Ive heard you’ve been asking. If you want my opinion she’s probably dead, but she might just have found a place to get him out of her head.” I dont need no stinking lawyer to plead guilty. Elayne stifled a scream as her lover convulsed and sagged onto the floor, his blood pooling beneath him. So youre admitting Christian is still alive? It was the same pretty blonde reporter Id met earlier. She was young, and the excitement in her voice sickened me. Shed ignored it, and look what that had cost. Tears stung her eyes, but she pushed them back ruthlessly. Cautiously, as if afraid to touch her, Indarin wrapped his fingers around hers.Yours is a magic born of healing, of life, not death. Yours is the stronger magic by far. You dont need to kill or maim someone to take them out of a fight. What if they were to simply fall asleep instead? Oh right. Near Rothie. Thats not too far is it? Samara blinked, the words finally sinking in. From the edge of the encampment she could see the Holters emerging from their own tents, alerted by the simmering excitement of the Shistra-Phail camp. Vertigern stood watching her, Elayne his constant shadow, but it was Torvin who jogged after her, concern turning his features stark. Jeren didnt pause or slow her gait but he still fell into step beside her. .