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Rowan angles his leg, raising the dictaphone.Somebody else is interested? …did the right thing. It wouldnt have made a difference, I know that. And theyre ok, thats the thing. So don’t you be thinking of dying on me, yeah? There’s so much life in you, eve. I saw that from the first. You’re the first person I’ve ever met that I could truly see the point in. I know that sounds awful but you don’t know what my life was like growing up. So much of the kindness was kicked out of me. I still became a copper though, didn’t I? Tried to make a difference. And I swear, I cared about the victims in every case I ever policed. But I did my duty becauseit was my duty, do you understand? I never thought the lives I might be saving or the deaths I might be getting justice for – I never thought they were lives that properly mattered. But you, eve. You’re somebody who the world needs. I know you understand how it’s all supposed to work. How people tell whatever truths the world needs to hear and that underneath it’s all just about trying to find the most credible lie to live with. I know that wherever you are right now, you’re giving yourself Hell thinking you’re a bad person. But you’re not, love. They’re okay. The girls, I mean. Violet and Catherine. They don’t remember much and Rev Marlish did as you asked him and kept everything small. Violet’s Daddy’s neither use nor ornament and the mum’s like a whipped dog. As far as anybody knows, you were involved in an altercation in the woods while searching for the missing teenagers. When I found you I got on the radio to Mountain Rescue and they found them in no time. It’s all going to be okay. They don’t remember anything. Violet kept gibbering about the pig-face man but she’s so pumped full of the home-brew he gave them it’ll be like remembering a dream…. I came with him, with Lord Vertigern. Elayne glanced back to where her Lord walked behind them, deep in conversation with Torvin. And there it was, in her voice, in that glance. Shan has changed. He hasnt. You were great! says Snowdrop, grinning at him and stopping just short of going straight in for a hug. Hed sealed it shut but I had to! she wails. How could I not look? I had to know what I was sticking in the coffin with him that was so important. Jeren liked the looks the Holters cast Shan and Indarin less. None of them friendly. All the Feyna with her encountered hostility but it focused most keenly on her husband and his brother. It stung her to the soul. Ilydona Fray, my lady, she said with quiet dignity. Its write, grumbles Rowan. What am I going to write? Once you finish the academy. Dont go getting yourself killed. Ive got enough guilt on my shoulders. We should go home. Max turned and wheeled himself back to the dining room table. Thats the second time youve blacked out since weve been here. Leithen cleared his throat, his position outside the pavilion as fixed as the stars overhead. He would not move, so the Shistra-Phail had come to him to request his leadership. Dumbfounded, the River Holter had only swallowed, and looked to Jeren for confirmation. Ill need her. If Im to get through any of this, I will need her help every step of the way. Not just this, not just Alyssa and Gilliads legacy. But all of it. I’ll need Elayne’s help because I can rely on her. Even if I can’t rely on anyone else. She knows Pickle? he asks. He leans back over Snowdrops shoulder and jabs again at the keyboard. Pickle has commented on several of Violets posts and she has done the same for him. In March, hed left a comment below a mournful black and white picture she had posted – the wordsThat’s It – I’m Done!’ in big angry letters in the very centre. 32 people responded with crying Emojis. Pickle had left a comment urging her to come see himfor a decompression session’. She’d sent back a thumbs-up and a smiley face. Sometimes, the poet in Rowan truly despairs. Rowan laughs, taken aback.Me? What do I know? I just write about it, Snowdrop, and Pickles case was one Id heard of even before I got to know him. Him and some university mates got drunk and thought it would be jolly funny to grab one of the lads from a nearby dorm and whisk him away like he was being kidnapped. Hewoke up as they were trying to get him out of his bed. He lashed out with this bloody great bayonet he kept under his pillow. It got one of his mates. Instinct kicks in and Pickle grabs the knife. Pulls it out of his mates stomach, sober as a judge now. Ended the night with one dead, one dying and nobody being able to say who’d done what. Pickle stood with his friends, refusing to deviate from the story they all agreed on. At the last moment the other two changed their plea to guilty and pinned it all on Pickle. A very grateful Crown Prosecution Service gave them reduced sentences. Pickle was done for manslaughter in the end. Served 11 years. He was supposed to be a barrister or a doctor by now. Instead he does little bits of this and lots of the other, living in the last of his dad’s farm buildings. He’s a bit of a character. Sort of lost himself after prison and it took a lotof chemicals to bring him back. You’ll love him. You can have a percentage… he begins. Call a Seer, Ariah said..