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As Dorias keen rose into the air, as Leithen rushed to her side, the Feyna leader turned her back and began the task of directing help for the survivors. What did you say? The mountain sunlight streamed through the grey silken material of the tent. Later they would return to the Spring Camp, but this was a time for respite. And more. Wrapped in blankets and fur, Jeren rested her head against Shans chest, listening to the rise and fall of his breath, and beyond that the beating of his heart. His skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat, and her body warmed again with the thought of him against her, inside her. She pressed her lips against him and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. Then why not welcome us? He accelerated down the country road. To each side, lingering in the peripherals of the headlight beams, low stone walls shot by, the last apparent vestiges of civilisation as the vehicle hurtled into the night. The walls dropped away, with only overgrown grass, low hedgerows, and hanging tree branches lining the road. No more streetlights. Inside the car, the glow from the dashboard provided the only illumination, casting a sickly hue across their faces. Shan has changed. He hasnt. Heart racing, Samara spun away from her, darting around the far side of the bookcase, running for the door. Must be something you missed, Dade said, glancing through the background check. The first man stiffened, pulling himself a little further erect, his head rising in pride, albeit a shaken pride.We are. I am Leithen Roh, Body Servant of the Scions of Jern. Theyre everywhere, Shan snarled, knife and sword bare now. Devyn, remember what I said. Thats not the way your magic works, Jeren. Or maybe…maybe he was already dead? Youre just a little bluebird of sunshine, Browne. Where do we go? What can we find? Will it bleed? Will it cry out? Sumaira shakes her head.No, of course not. That would be an appalling breach of confidentiality. But its a Ms V Sheehan. Requested the information through the correct channels in July of last year. A standard letter was sent back while we performed due diligence on the request. God theyre a pain in the arse. Anyway, the two files were linked. Danger.The word echoed inside my head as I met the blondes gaze. My back stiffened. The media had been vicious after Christians death. Even after Maxs testimony, a few had continued. I took an immediate dislike to the blonde and her haughty attitude. She wasn’t interested in Christian Salyer’s guilt or innocence. She was only interested in destroying me. She wanted a story, so I would give her one..