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The doorbell rang, and I stood up.Thats for me. He said:Its always best to be positive – thats what weve always taught. We did things our way, a holistic way, where the school’s responsibility was to fit around the pupil rather than the other way around. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development has always been at the very heart of our philosophy and I can say with absolute certainty that we have turned out some exceptional human beings over the years. The school’s aims and philosophy regarding how pupils live their lives and learn supports them in developing mature and responsible attitudes to living in a community. Of course it is a blow that the school will close its doors but the Whitecroft approach will continue and I have not lost any of my enthusiasm. I still believe in what we started back in the Seventies, when I had lots of big ideas and even bigger hair! Are you a coward, Christian? Because Im not. As Shakespeare said: Death is a necessary end. It will come when it will come. Yeah, or I will be in a minute. Gabriel walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. He hated the pain pills, but if he didnt take them, in a few hours, he wouldnt be able to function at all. And what brought you south from Sheninglas? The girl sounded tense, as if she was the one undergoing the trial. He could smell the beading of sweat on her skin. You knew I doubted the wisdom of the marriage. You left anyway. He advanced on her slowly. 32 Shell shakes his head.No, love. Hes gone. Passed through. My knuckles turned white around the cup.The first day, he welcomes you to your new home. Shell be stripped of all her clothing and placed in a cage. Mine was ten by twelve. I counted those steps a thousand times the first few days. I stopped long enough to gulp half the coffee. “The first three days, theres no food and onlyone bottle of water a day. After that, he gives you dog food in a dirty bowl and tells you what hes having for dinner. Sometimes, he brings his plate and eats in front of the bars. I looked away from him. He didnt move and neither did she. It was over. She forced in a breath. Im more of an outside kind of girl. Karen matched my gait. If you dont want me to come, you can say so. He glanced at the picture and smiled.Her hair is Tristans, but she looks like you. A chubby you. Jeren waited until the Ariah left them, letting the minutes tick by until she was sure there was no way she would still be within earshot. She took her time, approaching Indarin, her anger growing inside. She couldnt get Shan to talk to her. She couldnt make Gilliad stop from here. She could do nothing but what was within her power, here and now. Shanith Al-Fallion, nothing I do with you will ever be a waste. [ i_001.jpg] I slipped on my shoes.We dont know who Joshua is, and we dont have time to find out. Christian is my only chance of making sure Emma is safe. I picked up the picture of Emma from the nightstand. “Nothing matters but saving my daughter. Were meeting at eight. I’ll take my phone and call you at nine. IfI don’t call, you’ll know it didn’t go right. A branch snaps in two beneath the sole of her left foot, gunshot-sharp against the silence of the night. Unbidden, her eyes flutter open. She glimpses at her surroundings and feels panic claw its way up her aching throat. Mist rises from the mulch of the woodland floor; shapeless wisps that coil around the bases of the rain-blackened trees. The moon is a leering eye, half hooded by a skein of thick cloud. It finds its likeness in the flat, bronze-black surface of the lake. Find out more on http://www.rflong.com/, @RFLong and @JessThorneBooks on Twitter, R. F. Long on Facebook, RFLong on Tumblr, RuthFrancesLong on Instagram.