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Come and try. She should have felt disappointed. The Bright Lord knew she could hear it in Shans voice, but if she was honest, all she felt was a sense of relief. It was a reprieve. As soon as they found the Feyna warriors, the explanations would have to begin and she would be forced to lay bare before Shans people who and what she was. Its what she must learn, Fethan argued, his voice cajoling, whining at them. Lies, all lies. Hed tried to kill her. Tried to use Gracen as a weapon to do it. And her need for magic. Tried to use her own weaknesses on her. Its a power, a weapon. So, Jeren sent you after me, did she? She reached out for him, her hand shaking. Shan struggled towards her, making himself move though his whole body protested. Gabriel banged his knee on the coffee table.Damn, that hurts. The mantel should be straight in front of him. He felt along the edge until his fingers closed around the candelabra. Kneeling, he slid his fingers along the fireplace wall until he found the box of matches. His hands were shaking. It took three tries before a tiny flame sparked.Get a grip, Browne. He lit the candles.“You okay, Karen? Indarin stared at her, open mouthed. Finally he found words, and not what she expected.I suppose I asked for that. He chuckled to himself and sank back onto the low cot. For a moment he lay still again, but then he let out a long sigh. “I never wanted magic. I wanted to be like my brother and sister. A warrior. I only just managed to keep from being a Seer, you know. Much like you. I couldnt have stood that. At least, as Shaman, I still had a place amongst the Shistra-Phail. But now? What do I have? Id do almost anything for Dakota, but I cant kill her. Max turned the wheelchair around and opened the door. You cant ask me to do that. Thats the way its going to be, is it? You two, he snapped at the guards by the door. Go and demonstrate what will happen if my sister continues to defy me. Now! Rowan glances back at him.Go on…., It was a great feat, to escape the hives of the Fell, Shan said, keeping his voice even and calm. And your family died nobly to aid you. Respect had to be given when due, didnt his Sect Mother understand even that much? Shan? Shanith Al-Fallion, is that you? The locale was perfect. The comfort from the reassuring proclamations burned or carved into the table, the silence, the endless dark that surrounded them. Above and below. A perfect vacuum of sensation. No sight, sound, or smell. A sensory void. Nirvana for addressing purpose. You think hes hurt Mr Sixpence, says eve, pre-empting him. The door to the outer office pinged, and Helena hopped off the desk.Must be our guy. Can I sit in? Im dying of curiosity. He froze at her touch. Jeren was rescuing him? He almost laughed out loud, but other matters would take precedence before he could indulge himself. As his muscles turned to steel, trying to make himself move through the pain of returning liberty, panic filled her face. She glanced down at her unconscious brother..