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To save my partner. I didnt stop to explain as I ran through my fire training in my mind.The door is closed, so I should be safe in breaking the window as long as I get in and out fast. Salyer had made a mistake. We had made most of Maxs rooms fireproof. Only the wood around the door and the ceiling would burn, but that would be enough to kill Max from smoke inhalation. I exited the house, having stopped only long enough to grab a fire extinguisher and turn the bottom lock so the door would lock behind me. You left me. She could still see it, that nightmarish moment where he had chosen them over her. New York, but notblockbuster New York. Not the city of CGI invasions and exploding skylines. The low budget underbelly. The alleyways, the bars, the street corners at the dead of night. A place teeming with souls; but on these streets contact was to be avoided, shunned…to be feared. Did the monster seek this place out to call home? Or did the darkness of the city spit her out, a nightmare abortion of hunger and shadow? Her hands closed around her sword.Her sword. Gods, how strange that sounded. She hated the thing, yet she would never let it go. Her breath calmed as she touched it and the pain faded, an advantage of the way it drained off her magic. The Enchassa threw back Ylandras head and howled with laughter. And let him ruin this wonderful new toy? No. You want revenge, little Shistra-Phail? Hows this? The Wolfs Sister Theyre not gonna just hand that kind of file over to me, Gabriel. That could take a while. For a second, Woe remained, her shape sitting on the bed beside her. The image flickered.* * * The best bit is coming up now. And that was all it took. A Scion of Jern spoke, and the magic held true. Leithen Roh obeyed. Carrying Jerryl, with Pern trailing behind him, he took his leave of them. Shan watched him make his way across the camp, watched the gazes that followed him of Holter and Feyna alike, the pain and loss like a pall over him. Jerens shoulders slumped, and Shan caught her before she could fall. It was a dream. It had to be. The Enchassa had killed him and he was waiting for her. She was so close to death, she could see the dead. That doesnt matter, says Derrick, shaking his head. You know what hell do… dating agencies in mariupol Yes, but hes innocent, and James… well, James wasnt what everyone thought he was. She lifted the glass to her lips again, seeking the last few drops of scotch. They were determined to shut her away—Holter and Feyna. It galled her to admit it, for she knew they meant well, but what they called protection was starting to feel a lot like imprisonment. The glass slipped from his fingers.Your daughter? I didnt know you had a daughter. Jesus Christ. He held his head in his hands. “What have I done? Chapter Seven.