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Jeren swore so loudly and comprehensively that Ilydona gasped in shock and covered her mouth.Where is she? Elayne, show me to her rooms. Count of three? I asked. I see. And who would you like me to represent? A force like iron gripped her. Her body turned rigid, her spine arcing like a bow. All she could feel was Gracens hand clamped on her throat, his skin burning against hers. He was riddled with light, a body-shape packed with fireflies. Jeren concentrated on that light, an ever-flowing river within him, his magic, his life force, his energy. Inside her, something cracked, opened and Gracen froze. From his lips came a small gasp of alarm, just a breath really, but he didnt move away. Couldnt, perhaps. They were locked together, and he had revealed his fear. All the chink she needed. His eyes widened, staring into hers as she reached out for his life-force, and then the light in them went dead. They paused and he felt their reluctance to admit that, let alone accept it. Otherlings didnt have mates. Didnt need mates. They had each other. Bunking off. Truanting. Twagging, as they say in Yorkshire. Im supposed to be taking statements but Ive got two decent constables who can do the job for me, which means I get the chance to go stare at the view and hope that the clouds shift. Eve sees genuine sadness in the farmers eyes – more than she would expect. Three months had passed since my fathers funeral. A lot had changed externally. Id remodeled the plantation home to include a suite for Max along with a fully installed command center with the very best in computers and software. Being rich had its advantages, even if Id never cared about the money. We’d also applied for and received our private investigator’s licenses—not as good as a police or detective badge, but it still allowed us access to areas we would otherwise be denied. For sympathy? To make us think— Doria seized him, pulling him up. Leithen brandished a length of wood ripped from the enclosing wooden pens, and the remaining Fellna chattered and withdrew, turning to wisps of smoke and shadows. The others were gone, with them the Holters. Two more souls, helpless and damned. Freya? asks Catherine, glancing at her watch and hoping that Violet will finish up soon so they can make it to drama class before the lesson actually ends. Why would she be jealous? Hed decided to leave, to deal with the problem for Jeren. And at the same time, Jeren had made the same decision. This wasnt fair. It was like the gods were laughing at the two of them, spinning them in circles just for fun. Lets go say hello then. And no matter what they say, I know youre working hard here. Just because you wont tell anybody your idea for book two, it doesnt mean you haven’t got one. I mean, your deadline’s Christmas, isn’t it, so you’d be pretty daft to not even have a title by this stage!.