Dating sites are for losers
They found the settlement deserted. Shan waited by the central fire-pit while Ylandra checked hut after hut. Nothing. He knew it already. There was a stillness to the air, as if the world was in mourning for the Feyna who had lived here. All gone, and the Shistra-Phail who should have guarded them vanished too. The whole place had been stripped of life. Your sons a murderer, growls Eve. Hes gone. Hes missed his chance with the girls here but he’ll need his fix somewhere. He’ll turn up, but I won’t be helping you find him. I should never have started on this road. Neither should Derrick. If we ever find him, he won’t be getting handed over to you. He’ll go to prison like any other killer. Dad told me she died when I was five. I frowned. I know that isnt true now. She took me to my grandmothers house. She was angry and said he didnt love her anymore and that he only loved me. Look again. She tried to move, and found shackles weighing down her wrists and legs. Her head throbbed and as she lifted it, her stomach heaved, trying to escape where she could not. Her groan echoed off the hollow chamber. And what if he kills you? Shan grabbed her shoulders, shook her hard. What if he has his way and destroys you? What if he has his way and does something worse? Jerens breath caught in her throat and she shrank back within herself. This wasnt happening.Couldnt be happening. She was in Sheninglas with Shan. She was safe, far away from this madman who had once been her brother. Khain wasnt a god of forgiveness any more than he was one of mercy. Chapter Ten What are they? How are they made? How easily do they die? But wouldnt it be kinder to leave him in ignorance? To just use this newfound skill to make him sleep a bit deeper, a bit long so that when he woke... 23 He held out his hand.You need some rest, and so do I. We need to be ready to change our plans when Christian calls. Lucky shot, said Gilliad. But I dont need luck. I dont think theres anything dangerous left in all the Dale. Shan sighed and pulled her close again.What choice did you have but to escape, Jeren? Would you have stayed there and wed him? Would you have let him bed you?.