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The same. Deaghlan had to say plenty of Hail Marys and Our Fathers to make it right with his own faith, but Siobhan persuaded him to try. She said there was something wrong inside him and that anything which could heal him had to be worth a try. I know, Shan told her. But it wasnt your doing. None of it. Suspicion darkened his face.Youve never wanted to see so much as an animal suffering, Jeren. Something new. I dont know. Otherlings. Part me, part Fell, part—part whatever was in that chamber. He ground his teeth together and pushed on in silence. He had a van. Well, more like a really tiny camper. It was a mess. All painted up with swirls and shapes and the inside was disgusting. It smelled like when grass has been left to go mouldy. Hopefully, it knocked some sense into that hard head of yours. Karen beamed. He said! snorts Imogen, and something high in saturated fats blasts out of her nostril. He asked you to put your hand in his pocket! Oh my God, dads gonna do one …, Let me deal with him. Whats up, boss? Max glanced at where Karen was snuggling Emma. The days ahead would be rough, but with Karen by his side, there wasnt anything he couldnt do. She didnt want to return to New York, and Max wanted to raise Emma on the plantation. She would be close to her mother there, and so would he. We’re going home. No, says Pearl. He wouldnt like that. Hes a child of nature – that is why I had such hopes for Mr Sixpence. He failed me. He helped my boy grow stronger. Darker. Gave him a taste for things he would never have discovered alone. He has gone too far now. He needs putting down. Youd have to untie me. Theres no need. Youd never do the wrong thing, sis. Whatever you do, its always the right thing. Gabriel laughed and reached into his jacket pocket.Ive got that covered. My grandmothers wedding ring. He opened the box to reveal a small gold band. “Not too fancy, but it means a lot to me. Youll need to try it on. Samara rolled up her left sleeve. You need anything, Gabe, anything at all, let me know. But you said nothing. Jeren could have closed the wounds in an instant. Shan sighed as the thought of her rose to torment him once more. He could have helped her. If he had but known. The silence on the phone had me gripping it so hard for a moment that I thought Id broken it or hed hung up. I needed to keep him talking. We should meet. Talk about Mother..