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I give you all she was. Pickles place emerges from the mist; the hazy suggestion of white stone and black roof delineating into the outline of a squat, sturdy dwelling made up huge whitewashed boulders. A great sail of black tarpaulin is flapping against one of the holes in the slate roof: a ravens wing slapping fatly against the exposed timber. The dead had been pitched down there, mostly Shistra-Phail, but some of their more peaceable brothers and sisters lay alongside them, for despite all protestations, who would not fight when a child was threatened? Feyna children were rare and precious, a gift from the gods to be protected and treasured. But there were no children in the gully. Some of the broken figures were ancient, but none were young. All were torn and tortured, ripped apart or beaten to a pulp. Their blank eyes stared skywards at the black birds and the clouds. Shan walked ahead of her most of the time, making a path through the snow that she could easily follow. Anala circled them continually, running in wide arcs, always returning to Shans side and casting wary glances at her. Threatening glances. She shook her head.Ive already lost someone this day, Gilliad. I can heal you. I can help you. Before you start, Ill be having none of it, says Ms Cater, raising a small, plump, ringless hand. She followed me there. Said she wanted to come back with me, that she loved me. But I knew…she wore a fair face and a virtuous exterior, but I knew. She didnt seem to want to come with me afterwards. She screamed and fought and even when I finally made her quiet, when I hit her that last time, her eyes just kept staring at me, accusing me. I knew I was right then. She was a demon. That shook Indarin back to seriousness. Her side ached from the ghost of Elaynes wound, as if her own wound had returned to haunt her. Her head swam and the world blurred in and out of focus. Elayne nodded and chewed on her lower lip.Are you... I thought it might help to talk. Gabriel watched as his oldest and best friend processed what hed just said. The two of them had started in the academy together. Don had wanted stability, marriage, and kids. Hed worked his way up from a beat cop to chief. Being a detective on the beat, solving crimes, and locking up murderers was all Gabriel had ever wanted.Until now. He did what, mate? asks Rowan, sitting a little straighter in his seat. Max was waiting for me at the bottom, his eyes riveted to my face. Can you control them? Indarin, smile? Impossible. Nobody speaks. He can hear breathing, the slightest hint of a painful exhalation; a bronchial rattle to the outbreath. Samara readied herself to leave the table, finally succumbing to their demands but on her terms. She closed the sketch pad. She couldnt sit back and return to a pleasant family meal now. I didnt know where you were..