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An owl hooted as I locked the vehicle, and a larger animal crashed through the brush to my left.It wouldnt have been any better at a motel. Theres no place safe as long as Salyer is alive. At least here I cant hurt anyone but myself. With a heartless grin, Ylandra twisted the blade, digging it even deeper, and Elayne dropped like a stone, gasping. Without pause, Ylandra drove straight at Jeren. No. No! She pushed harder, dredging up everything she could, drawing on his magic, letting it grind into her, even as she fed it back through Indarin. Jerens body brought her out of her confused and bewildering dreams. The sound of the Falls, the oppressive weight of the underground chamber, and all the horrors were gone and for a moment, just a moment, she prayed she was back in the Spring camp with Shan. She reached out, expecting to find him stretched out alongside her, his body relaxed in sleep. But he wasnt. Her hand came down on cold, clean linen. For a long moment, Jeren didnt know what to say. He sounded resigned, as if he had expected it. But up until she saw the Fellna with Gilliad in that dreadful vision, she had hoped the Enchassa had gone forever. Shed believed them to be free of her. I cant. I have to do this on my own. Gilliad is still my brother, even if he has become some sort of monster. My blood. And it could just as easily happen to me. Nonetheless, Jeren asks it. Karen shook her head.No. She has to find her way home. His thoughts turned to Dakota Dale.What would life be like without that excitement? Without any emotion at all? It wouldnt be worth living. I slipped on my shoes.We dont know who Joshua is, and we dont have time to find out. Christian is my only chance of making sure Emma is safe. I picked up the picture of Emma from the nightstand. “Nothing matters but saving my daughter. Were meeting at eight. I’ll take my phone and call you at nine. IfI don’t call, you’ll know it didn’t go right. Is that rude? enquires Snowdrop, pencil pausing on the pad. In the moment of that realisation, she felt them press close, their bodies cold and smooth, their voices whispering of love and comfort. The Fellna. Only a few of them left now after their battle with the Feyna and the destruction of Khains hold on Gilliad. Marcus pulled a legal pad from his desk. He didnt really need to make notes, but he did it for the clients who expected it. Hed had a near-photographic memory for years. Sometimes it was a blessing, other times a curse. Rowan nods. Hes starting to get the picture. She a seasoned smoker or a newbie?.