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She opened her mouth to protest, but what was the point. He knew. There was no denying it, even if she wanted to. Instead, she bowed her head. She had been raised to obey, she had once told Shan. Now it seemed she would have to fall back into that habit, even if her new-born spirit resisted. Max slammed his hand on the table.Which is why that grave and those bones were suddenly discovered. He set it up that way, and Id bet that before its over, theyll discover enough DNA to say it’s his body. Cautiously, as if afraid to touch her, Indarin wrapped his fingers around hers.Yours is a magic born of healing, of life, not death. Yours is the stronger magic by far. You dont need to kill or maim someone to take them out of a fight. What if they were to simply fall asleep instead? But instead of answering, he kissed her. His kiss. It was still his kiss. Lips brushed lips, his tongue gently parting her mouth and filling her. He held her to him, his arms so strong, his muscles tense beneath her fevered touch. She kissed him back, trying to memorise every nuance, every movement, every caress. Nothing to say, Dakota? His eyes blazed with madness, and he slapped me. It didnt have to be this way. We could have been a family. He flipped me around and painted my back, hips, and legs. “I dont need you anymore. I have Emma now.” His voice changed, an edge of sadness behind the words. Where is the hive? she asked. How do we get inside? They cast me out, he protested suddenly. His hand tightened on her arm and he shook her. Calledme unworthy! Ariah said I would never stand at AranMor, never go to the Vision Rock, that I would never be accepted as one ofthem. But I did. I went there anyway, right into the Holy of Holies. And I looked into the water without their rituals and hocus-pocus. I used my own powers and I saw the future. Im going to rule the Holtlands, Jeren, and take back the imperial throne. He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her towards him. Spittle flecked on his lip, too close to her face. She fought against an urge to recoil. She couldnt risk enraging him now. “Our children will rule the entire world.” Which is three or four hundred miles in any direction. The phone is our best bet. Lets head to the station. We could use Max on this one too. Between him and Calvin, they can cut the time charting the latitudes and longitudes on the pings. The tone of his voice told me the news wasnt good. I wanted to place my hands over my ears and not listen. Id felt a kindred spirit with Gabriel Browne, telling him things I hadnt told anyone. I’ll make a pot of coffee. I opened the door and stepped inside.He hasnt been here. Doria shook where she stood. Then a sob rippled up through her body, breaking out at the same second as the tears burst from her eyes. She buried her face in her hands and wept.My babies. Oh, sweet Bright Lord, my babies are alive. Dakota wouldnt be asleep yet. Gabriel finished his cigarette and walked back to the cabin. He checked the coffee and knocked on her bedroom door. She opened the door, her eyes slightly red. Just another example of what a fool she had become. This is Officer Benders at the Beaufort County Police Department. Theres been an issue at your home, maam. How long would it take you to meet us there? Indarin? I know what DID is, Browne. I took a sip of coffee. What does your friend suggest you do about it? Oh, honey, it was live and will be replayed over and over as the afternoon goes on. Your story is huge news. No. She intended to use Indarin to trap Jeren, to break his beloveds heart before betraying her to the Enchassa. His head reeled with the thought. Not just the treachery, but the cruelty, and for no reason. No reason but her own twisted hate..