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They were going to do nothing, Jeren realised. Nothing to help Elayne, because she was a human, a Holter and not worthy of the help of a Seer. Something shook deep inside her. The castes of the Feyna operated autonomously, and all Ariah could offer was guidance. Her brother lay too still, bleeding from so many wounds, his body broken. But he looked at her, his eyes so bright with pain. She changed her course, heading straight for him. I remembered something Christian said when I was walking into the house. He said he hadnt always been evil. Thatthey made him that way. He wanted me to love him and go away with him to be a family. Then he saidshe would have made me that way, too, but my father saved me. He had to be talking about my mother. And he mentioned Emma. I walked out the gate and waited for Karen to join me. What do you think he meant when he said she would have made me that way too? Marcus puffed on the cigar, blowing out small rings of smoke. He chuckled.All my clients are innocent. What makes Harris different? No, but theres a reason for that. I closed my eyes.I was home. It was a Saturday, and Dad wanted me to go fishing with him. I rubbed my nose. “I got a call from a woman who said there was a man lurking outside her window and she was afraid, so I jotted down her address and told Dad Id be back in an hour or so. I looked at Max and frowned. “I called you, but you didnt answer, so I left a message.” Vicky presses her lips together, shaking her head.It was ugly. He didnt deserve that. I didnt know he had that kind of hate in him. Tyres squealed on the road. They killed all those guarding the chamber, Jeren, warned Leithen. Yeah, because you know about fashion— What I had to. What I should have done long ago. Her voice trembled. She didnt want this either, none of it. Shed fled the Holtlands and that life to make a new one with him. That was what she had said, wasnt it? Jeren nodded reluctantly. Oh, she knew. No one else knew it as well as she did. She thought of Haledren, of what her brother had done to him. Yes, Gilliad hated the Feyna, and the Shistra-Phail most of all. He saw it as a trial beyond endurance, a legacy from our ancestors time. But Im not Gilliad. Despite the pain, despite the fear, Rowan suddenly understands. Thirty-five years ago, Mr Sixpence tried to help a troubled young boy called Cormac Pearl. He taught him how to meditate. To breathe. To channel his energies. He showed him how to journey into the next world and to return stronger than before. But Cormac had no interest in helping people. The darkness inside him swallowed the light. Sixpence cast him out and he returned home to the family that he had already sickened with his violence. They took him in, only for him to betray them. He fled Blackpool in the company of a young woman– a drifter; an alternative – somebody who had slipped through the cracks. He discarded her soon after, but he found a new world of willing victims. Found broken souls who allowed him to place his healing hands upon them. Who held their hand in the moment of their death and rode their dying spirit like a jockey. He didnt want me dead. If he had, he wouldnt have called my father and told him where to find me. Ill see them now, of course. How does she look? You must be the writer, she says, over the sound of rain hitting stone. Im Marjorie. Anybody who knows me will vouch for the fact Im an easy-going individual but it had been hinted during the last meeting that perhaps tonight I would be giving the address. Goodness knows Ive waited long enough. She waves a hand airily. “This is my house, by the way. It’s Glebe. A lot of people say Globe, which suggests either an epidemic of myopia, or that nobody has the common sense to concentrate any more. I have a granddaughter who simply will not sit still! Can’t concentrate –always has to have something goingbibbety-bip in her hands. I’ve banned it from the house.” She frowns, a deep groove in her forehead, like a coin-hole in a slot machine. “Everybody seems late tonight so it’s not really a problem. Still, one does think that perhaps Moses miscounted. Thou Shalt Be Punctual would have made such a difference.” No, he needs to finish this. He watched her prowl around the pavilion Vertigern had furnished, more Holtlady than he had ever seen her..