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Sixpence looks down at his boots. He twitches his face, moving his glasses up his nose. A sadness settles upon him like snow.I made bad decisions when I was a young man, he says. “I wasnt as kind as I should have been. I was angry a lot of the time. I think I was looking for something and I didnt know what it was. So one day I decided to seek it out. To turn my back on what everybody else believed to be theright way to live. I travelled. I saw the world. I learned how other people lived and I came to the conclusion that we have gone awry. Weve lost our way. We’ve lost sight of what is important. It took a special person to show me the true way. I think Id like you to go, says Ms Cater, flatly. Its not how its done, you see. Not here. You don’t just turn up and expect people to dance to your tune. I’ve got things to do. Isnt this forbidden? On the canvas she stared out, eyes cool and withdrawn despite the anguish displayed by the rest of her face. Her small mouth was spread wide in a silent scream, teeth bared. Had Samara captured them at the moment of transformation? Like Woe, the fangs and front incisors were unnaturally slender and pointed. Shed worked hard on the mouth, trying to avoid a vampiric look, what with the long fangs. The inclusion of extra needle-like teeth had created a nightmare, one that pierced the attention and held you trapped, held youclose. The real terror lurked behind the thin spikes of ivory, writhing in the darkness, crawling over each other like snakes in a deep, lightless pit. Give me a minute. Its probably just the pills. Another wave hit, and he slid slowly to the floor. Rowan gives thanks to the world for sending him Sumaira. She has a cab drivers approach to discretion. Before Max comes in, theres something else I have to tell you. Gabriel drew in a deep breath and let it whoosh out, his shoulders slumping. Karen thinks Dakotas suffering from DID. Ive seen the changes. We don’t really know what part of her memories are real. There may not be a child, but one thing I know for sure—the closer we get to Salyer, the worse she’s going to get. Sure. Max moved to the computer and in seconds had the maps printed. What are we looking for? Be ready, Indarin rasped, not his voice either, not really. Part was, but it distorted with the magic filling it. I think Ill lie down for a while. Gabriel popped two pain pills into his mouth, washed them down with water, then walked toward the stairs. We can talk about the rest of this in the morning. Gabriel whipped into the lane leading to the back of the police station.Thats a chance were going to have to take. She doesnt just plan on killing Salyer. If Emma really is dead, she plans on killing herself once she knows for sure he’s dead. Killed them. The ones remaining in the Holt. Rounded them up, into the main square—men, women, even the children. And then he unleashed…something. I dont know what it was. Like a shadow, or a swarm of shadows. It tore through them. Not a single one remained. As if they had been chalk wiped off a slate. Only the members of my line outside the Holt, those posted elsewhere or able to flee in time remain. And he has ordered that we be hunted down like dogs. The two leads pressed their backs against the grimy dumpster, holding their breaths, trying not to make a sound. What options are there for a traitor? Torvins voice rang out over AranMor. He stood, silhouetted on the edge of the canyon, a sword in his hands. Gilliad was right. You intend to take his throne. Samara pulled the strap over her head and laid her bag to rest at the base of the tree. Dropping to a crouch, she opened the plastic clasps and lifted the main denim flap. In the darkness under the canopy, she searched by touch, her fingers skipping over pencils, balled up sketches, and the few coins shed hoped would scratch up half a Coke..