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And then she was gone not long after, muttered Brenda. Thats better, laughs Vicky, stumbling back from the ladies toilets, trying to straighten her tabard and tuck herself in without spilling the last of her pint. The beer, she insists, is for sustenance and nourishment. Its the trio of double vodka-tonics that are the indulgence. Rowan isnt sure she’ll make it to Ravenglass or whether she will be in any fit state to wield a vacuum when she gets there. Where Shan stood, watching her, his face etched with heartache. She marshalled her abilities again, ready to heal him, but as she pressed her hands to his wounds, nothing happened. Nothing at all. I had no choice. 30 It was designed to control magic, to focus it, and to offer Felan a way to drain off the power that would drive him insane. When I was young our Shaman trained your ancestors how to do it, to use it rather than be used. Thats the secret of things, isnt it? Not just magic but people, politics, perhaps even families. Her sergeant is an old friend of my fathers. When that jackass Rivers released her to go back to work, Morgan asked me to take a look at the file. In honesty, I told him I felt she was still a danger to herself. Especially after her fathers death. How do you know her? Okay. Are you all right? Dont go up there, Dakota. Max stopped in front of me. Please. You buy her a brand-new coat and I cant even borrow some money for a book? For a fucking book? She didnt want us here today, added her father. She made that clear. Theway she looked at us when we sat down… Jeren dropped to her knees, throwing the smouldering branch to one side. In the half light, she examined the wound. This couldnt be happening! Not like this! But you did, she says, and he sees her reaching for the door. I was never able to teach you, was I? You had to go and find out for yourself..