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Im ready to go. Samara imagined Miss Jones announcing her name. How the shock and disbelief would spread across their decaying faces. Theyd probably applaud, just like the rest of the backslapping parents. Couldnt have done it without them. Never doubted her. I love you, he told her. I always will. His mouth forced hers apart, his kiss brutal while his touch began her violation. He glanced at the psychological file still sitting on his coffee table. Nothing in there had prepared him for what happened that night. Shed looked vulnerable on the creek bank, but that went beyond vulnerability.Insane? I will never be yours, he snarled. Shan could hear Jeren muttering prayer after prayer as she retreated back down the narrowing tunnel behind him. She prayed for a miracle and he reached out his spirit to the Goddess in sympathy. They needed a miracle. He should have known that wasnt true when Tristans body was found. Dakota stared at Max, questions in her eyes. Unless theres something you didn’t tell me. Rowan closes his eyes. Finds the strength to raise his arm and to proffer a bloodied, skin-stripped hand. And how did you escape? Ylandra asked bitterly. Why you and not my people? Yes. Jasmine killed herself, and it appears she killed Rowena Sparks. Let me deal with him. But instead of answering, he kissed her. His kiss. It was still his kiss. Lips brushed lips, his tongue gently parting her mouth and filling her. He held her to him, his arms so strong, his muscles tense beneath her fevered touch. She kissed him back, trying to memorise every nuance, every movement, every caress. I go where Im needed, he says, and his smile shows teeth edged in brown tobacco stains. Perhaps where Im called. He laughed, a deep infectious laugh that rippled through her body and made her heart join in.Always quick with an answer, little one. Come, its less than a days walk to the Spring Camp. We should be there by nightfall. He waited until shed gathered her dignity again. Shan knew hostility intimately. Whenever he travelled to other lands he encountered it. Humans had no time for the Feyna, the monsters of many a childhood tale. But he had never thought to see it so naked on the faces of his own people before. He wished they would direct it at him rather than at Jeren. That would have been easier to bear by far. She had not asked to come here. Theyd had no choice. Neither had she asked to be born the sister of a madman. Why was it no one here recalled her father when he had lived among them? Hed been a friend, a brother-in-arms, a comrade. There were many old enough, for the Feyna did not age as a human aged. No, they only recalled Gilliad, his flouting of their laws and friendship, his betrayal of their most sacred ways—and the murder..