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Rowan pretends to suddenly recognise her.You were at the group, werent you? The writing group – at the posh house with the woman who sounded like Penelope Keith? You stood out. Youngest by about thirty years, Id say. Snowdrop fiddles with the phone and holds it up for inspection, displaying a screen-grabbed image of Violet Rayner (nee Sheehan). Shes grinning for the camera; a big mess of frizzy hair piled up on top of her head and wooden earring dangling down below the level of her slightly rounded chin. Shes a few years older than him but he thinks she looks younger. Shes got healthy skin and the whites of her eyes are bright as a new moon. Her dark eyebrows have been accentuated with pencil and brush but she wears no other make-up. There’s something about her that suggests a fizzing kid of energy; a gleam in her eye that says she’s enjoyed the kind of evenings out that don’t finish until breakfast. I think you and I might be friends, says Eve, at last. She wets her finger and holds it up, looking past Violet to where the gathering wind is whipping up shark-fins of silvery water. She watches as the fine strands of hair begin to swirl and dance upon her crown. I dont need the spiritual guidance at the moment, Indarin. What did you want to talk about? Browne smiled.I guess you know already. Ill go if you want me to. He didnt sound terribly convinced though. As he led her down the narrow path over the high pass, he kept checking behind and ahead. Not for an ambush or pursuit. No one followed them, of that she was certain for Shan had allowed a relaxed place on their journey north. He had made every effort to help her to recover, to make sure she did not rupture the barely healed wound in her side. No, Shan wasnt checking for assassins. Checking was habit, and every time he did it, she saw the shadow of pain in his eyes, of loss. Anala the wolf would never come running after them again. [ i_001.jpg] She feels dizzy as she stares, watching her likeness bleed and dissolve. In a way? smiles Rowan, taking a sip. Thats Catherine, says Serendipity, leaning over. Youre in luck Gabriel gave him a brief smile, passed along to Calvin the information of what he needed, and hung up the phone.I need to go talk to the chief and arrange some time off. Keep trying to call Dakota. Hes talking madness, one of the younger ones said but Indarin held up a hand, silencing them all before discussion could even begin. He started and blood drained from his face. It was Leithen. Closer now, dragging himself through Khains own darkness to reach her. ….a while to settle in and obviously its a very different kind of ethos but weve had some good results and Im definitely feeling better for the fresh air …, He—he gave her a gift, a box tied up with pretty—a pretty ribbons and bows. When she—op—opened it—in—inside—she found her lovers head… His child..