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He could hardly move. Even to breathe created agony. His chest and shoulders burned. The skin had closed around the arrow wounds, his natural healing powers already allowing him recovery, even here in this pit of torment. But every moment he feared the newly knit skin would rip apart. The legendary recuperative powers of the Feyna needed time, and Gilliad had seen fit to give him that time. He saw no need to give him comfort as well. She wept in silence because, really, there was no one to hear. No one that mattered. Violet, please …, It was dawn before Indarin called a halt. Shan didnt know if he should give thanks or resent it. With the rapid pace and the darkness of night he didnt have time to think and for that he was grateful. His body ached, his arms straining from the position in which they were tied, but he didnt care. It was nothing to the misery inside. I will, my Ariah. On my life. What the hell makes you think I can get a message to that crazy bastard? He poured a glass of whiskey with shaky hands. Certain evidence found at the murder-suicide of James Day and Amanda Clark leads us to believe Salyer may still be alive. Were waiting for verification of the samples taken from that scene. Oh God man, he was never our friend. What do we really know about him anyway? I let you have him here because he looks the part and because his bullshit helps pay the bills but the education authority was never going to let this carry on indefinitely. A bloody shaman? Having pupils to stay? Residential soul-retrievals for damaged children? Look where that got us. She ignored him.Work on the eyes. The claws. Knowing Colleen, she wouldnt have said anything. Shed have hammered me with both fists. Seeing her confusion, he got to his feet and started towards her, the sword held out like an offering.I mean, he told me Id hear them when the magic came to me, when I inherited it from him, but he didnt bother to describe it. I hear our ancestors as clearly as I hear you now, little sister. Sometimes…sometimes more clearly. Felan, Biran, even Jern himself. He stopped less than a footfrom her, and Jeren saw how hard he fought to stop his body trembling. “He never explained that it sounds like someone whispering in your ear. He said the only way to control it isthis thing, but he never… He lifted the sword, but his hand shook too much to hold it out for long. “It makes me feel like…” Ill guard them for you, Lady Jeren, Doria said. If youll guard him for me. She nodded at Leithen. “Hes an old fool, but he’d lay down his life for you given half a chance.” Gordon nods, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his overalls.I dont like that Rideal bloke, he confides. “I dont like very much about that whole bloody school. I dont mind a bit of the hippy-trippy bollocks and if they want their kids to do all that bending and stretching instead of learning to play football, that’s their look-out. But I know they took advantage of Sixpence. Pushed him further than he wanted to be pushed. He didn’t mind giving the talks to the kids and helping people who needed it but Rideal was starting to use him like he owned him. He’d even had fliers and brochures done up talking about their remarkable on-site healer who led meditation classes and had studied spirituality all round the world. Sixpence was too much of a gentleman to ever make a fuss but it was wearing him out. He wanted to be free – that was all he’d ever wanted. And like I told you before, they weren’t happy about calling you in. It weren’t until we saw the blood that they got off their arses. Im not allowed to do that, says Catherine, sitting down primly. She smells like an old lady and she seems to give off an air of constant cold. Her teeth chatter a little as she talks, though it doesnt seem to cause her any discomfort..