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Rowan looks momentarily hurt.Pickle, its a game. We can chat about something else if you like. Go away, he hissed, his voice no longer musical. It grated, like the rusty gate. Go away. Stop staring. Prying eyes should be pried out! And then he laughed, an awful, hollow sound. They... they gave her some sedatives, Shan said. Jeren winced, wishing hed stayed silent. Emotional women really werent his area of expertise. Dorias eyes sharpened when they fixed on him. Im a bad person, says Vicky. I took his money but I didnt do the thing he asked. I never told Eve about the letter but I didnt put the folder in the coffin. I was too scared to go through with it and there was always somebody else there saying their goodbyes. I nearly plucked up the courage at one moment but then that cranky arsehole who ran the hippy school barged right through me, sobbing like a baby … and so I’ve just kept it. I haven’t had the guts to throw it away and Derrick had been so clear he wanted it found, but not until long after Eve was dead and gone. I mean it was very ghoulish, wasn’t it? I thought it was just like him – very Edgar Allan Poe. He said they used to call him Corvus, after the raven, because he had this slicked black hair when he was young. I could see him getting a kick out of this, in a weird way. But what was he doing it for? Imean, I’ve read the pages and it’s dry really - and there’s nothing earth shattering in there. The missing girls you were asking about – statements, background stuff, social services and childcare reports. Like I say, stuff he shouldn’t have. Find out more on, @RFLong and @JessThorneBooks on Twitter, R. F. Long on Facebook, RFLong on Tumblr, RuthFrancesLong on Instagram He only hoped it was a promise he could keep. [ i_001.jpg] That was the moment she dreaded. [ i_001.jpg] kent online dating uk He crouched in the centre of the devastation, Holtguards and Shistra-Phail sprawled around him, groaning, bleeding. Go on, prompts Rowan, quickly. She half smiled.Shouldnt, but I will. Im stubborn, remember? But she said we should have one of our sessions next time my husband was away, a proper natter. She said shed written something that had helped her with some stuff and shed have some stuff to tell me. She called it a chapter two, whatever that meant. She said she’d read about recovering repressed memories, about these soul retrievals and ceremonies where you drink this potion and journey through the veil into whatever it is that’s out there. And she laughed as she said it. Sounds great, says Chris, enthusiastically. Bet youre going cold turkey, arent you? Sucking on exhaust pipes, trying to get a dose of smog. Finish it, she thought, selecting the longer of the two pieces and resuming her frantic, dark cuts across the page.Youve come this far. Finish it. Lady Jeren, can you talk to her? Leithen rubbed his hand across his pinched brow in frustration. Perhaps shell listen to you. The two leads pressed their backs against the grimy dumpster, holding their breaths, trying not to make a sound. Jeren shook her head, alone once more. Why Vertigern had insisted that they come along at all, she didnt know. They were neither wanted nor needed. [ i_001.jpg] Is that rude? enquires Snowdrop, pencil pausing on the pad..