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And they laughed. Choose then, Fethan snarled, and damn us all. Have you ever killed anyone before? Arms encircled her, strong and yet gentle. For a moment her heart leaped in wild and unbounded joy as she was wrapped in an embrace. But it wasnt Shan. Control, she had to focus on control. Among the names on Derricks list was one Cormac Pearl. He went missing in June 1985, disappearing from the family home near Blackpool, aged 19. The mugshot shows a good-looking, dark-eyed lad; young for his age, with longish curly hair and slender, strangely feminine features. Hes smiling for the camera: an incongruous thumbs-up obscuring a portion of his lower face. Hes bare-chested, but the image is black and white so it’s impossible to say if it was an intimate snap, or simply a candid moment on a sunny day. Beside it is a graphic projection of what Cormac might look like now. Digital software has been employed to age his fine features. Hairless, a little jowelly, the fifty-something version of Cormac Pearl looks thoroughly unremarkable and any hopes Rowan held that he might recognize him were quickly dismissed as fanciful. Despite that, he is getting better acquainted with the young man’s disappearance, cross-referencing the name against the National Crime Agency’s missing persons archive: a grisly database full of digitally reconstructed faces of corpses as yet unidentified. He knows that Cormac was the only son of Deaglan and Siobhan Pearl, but can find little other information online about the family. He’s managed to track down an In Memoriam announcement in the Blackpool Gazette, dated 1992. Siobhan died at a private nursing facility after a short illness. She was 44. The family asked that donations be made to a charity set up in memory of their son. The accompanying memento mori was in Gaelic but translated as: No matter how long the day, the evening comes. He glances at the screen again and begins to think about the Irish families he has had dealings with – great sprawling clans of half-cousins and step-nephews spread out across the globe, united by the faintest bonds of blood. He widens the internet search and changes the language settings. Quickly finds mention of Siobhan Pearl and her untimely death: the accompanying classified notice incomprehensible to his English eyes. He runs it through a translation service and the jumble of consonants turn into names he can search for. Sisters, brothers, nieces. He sits forward, all other thoughts forgotten. Types a half dozen keywords into a generic search engine and finds himself grinning as he spots what he’s looking for. He often hopes to proven wrong in his cynicism about the nature of people but it hasn’t happened yet. People need to share. They need to have their stories told. The internet has been a true leveler: an equalizing platform granting the illusion of an audience to those who may otherwise have had to stand at bus-stops shouting their stories into the air. The family history website administered by one Tegan Pearl, based in Boston, USA, is ab abominable collusionof lurid yellows and pinks and seems designed entirely to give the user a migraine. Rowan has to squint to navigate his way through the mess of anecdotes, family trees and links to other, paid-for sites, with links to the family surname. He searches under the name Cormac’. It comes up with twohits. One is under the heading:A Prayer for Cormac. She couldnt see in the darkness, not clearly, couldnt push her vision to perform beyond its natural capabilities. Id rather not. Her laugh sounded false even to her. Are you thinking of Ylandra? Of what happened to her? Leithen bore down on her like a bear.He couldnt have come so close. A hush fell over them all as Ylandra stilled, her eyes blazing silver fire at Jeren. Pure hatred spilled from them and behind it Jeren saw the shadows of self-loathing. Ylandra knew what she had done. Flint-eyes, on the other hand, had not taken his eyes off Shan. Such a hunter never looked away from a beast at bay. This wolf had no pack. It operated alone, a rogue. No. Better to get it over with. Its something else about home and its better I know before I go with Ariah, dont you think? Elayne and Vertigern are there too. In here, hed said, unnecessarily, as he opened the dark wooden door and led her into a bedroom so murky that the walls and furnishings seemed to swallow the light. Eve had been pleased to see an Oriental, high-backed chair by the door to the bathroom, plonking herself down immediately and looking up at tobacco-coloured ceiling beams – the same dark staining as the floorboards, upon which a vintage green and pale pink Chinese wool rug has been vacuumed flat. The big four-poster bed faces the window - three arched panels of glass exuding a church-like air: a triptych of fell. The Enchassa smiled thinly.Not to us. She lifted herself back to her feet, moving slowly so as not to antagonise him again. Indarin just watched her, his eyes like ice. She couldnt read him, couldnt tell what he was thinking. It unnerved her. I have to learn how to control it. Gilliad is… She swallowed hard, curling her hands into fists at her side. “If you thought he was bad when he was here, that was before the curse took him..