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She pulled back, had to, to put distance between them, if only to let herself think. She needed to think. Samara supped at the bottle neck, trying to restore a balance, glaring at Lily. Come on. Why? Why is Dale still here, intheir booth, casting a lazy eye over her work? Why? Who is he? What has he done? A hush fell over them all as Ylandra stilled, her eyes blazing silver fire at Jeren. Pure hatred spilled from them and behind it Jeren saw the shadows of self-loathing. Ylandra knew what she had done. We have to get out of here, she said. Get after them. We have to save them. She tugged on his arms, but they hung like lead, no longer under his control. Vertigern barely paused once she had spoken, pushing his way in through the weighted material door. She wondered if Leithen had a chance to step aside or had simply been pushed out of the way. Like a fish. I hope weve got enough. I dont know anymore... where I am from day to day, or even what day it is. I cant tell. Reality changes, blurs, when theres so much pain. Vertigern cleared his throat at that moment and Jeren turned on him. He at least had the good grace to look guilty now that he finally faced her.Jeren, it isnt what you think. On the table, his phone vibrates, moving itself closer to a sticky streak of spilled beer. The bottom of the pint glasses have left a perfunctory Olympic symbol on the grainy varnish of the table-top. Gilliads voice broke with laughter. Did she neglect to tell you her identity, Shanith Al-Fallion? My sister has a devious streak, you know. Forever playing her games. Jerens voice shook. Ariahs your queen, isnt she? You can appeal this, Indarin was saying. Shan barely heard him over the uproar of arguing voices. Springmoot is not long and Ariah is coming. The Seers too. Ariah can overrule— Tumbling now, rolling in the dirt, enmeshed in one another. Then a flash of face, like a sliver of moon, flits by close to his own: a glimmer of snarling white, and there is fist in his gut and he is on his back again, pinned under meat and bone, gazing up. His hands scrabble in the mud and dirt. Rake through wet leaves as the pressure builds in his throat. His eyes feel like they might pop. I cant tell you where I am, hisses Rowan, urgently. He looks at Snowdrop and rolls his eyes, his lips tight around an exaggerated smiles. Look, I know this is unprofessional its just I need to protect the few people I care about and Ive had to stay properly off-grid. He glancesagain at Snowdrop, who is mouthing the words off-grid’ at him, questioningly. “Every communication with the outside alerts them. You don’t know what these people can do!” Yes. Do you plan on trying to stop me? Look, its nothing anyway …, begins Serendipity..