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How did you know? That wasnt in her file. He nods.No shortage of clients and it pays to be somewhere that you have a few contacts and where people remember which favours are owed. But Lara just glared at her.Ariah, of course. We have to hurry. She and Indarin have been talking for an hour already. She wants to see you. The Fell have your children, its true, Devyn interrupted, heedless of her rage. He didnt know it. How could he know that such spite and vengeance was something to be feared above all else? But they also have my whole family, every generation. I dont know. I think I would. She placed his coffee in front of him. What are you thinking? He took a moment to catch his breath.I cant tell you how sorry I am, Dakota. You dont have to go in there. Max has already identified the bodies. Marcus jotted down the information. Jenna had said Harris couldnt remember where he pawned it. Hopefully, his memory was returning and he would remember what he did that night. Thats a good start. You said you couldnt remember where you were the night Turner was killed. Have you had blackouts before? Shaking off the memory, I tossed the magazine Id spent the past fifteen minutes flipping through and rose. I loved the way the receptionist said the doctor, as if mental illness were some type of curable disease.And as if I have a choice in being here.Sergeant Wagner had required six months of psychiatric analysis before he would allow me to return to my job. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I couldnt afford to screw up my last visit. Calvin sighed.Ill try. He shuffled through the sheets, noting times between pings. “Give me a minute. He calculated longitudes and latitudes, crossed them out, and did it again. “It gets a little harder here because he crossed state lines. He headed into South Carolina, and the pings arent quite as clear or distinct.” He studied the pages again and circled another point on the third sheet. “Heres a good one, and he’s moving into Charleston. He stays in that area at least three hours.” Jerens head reeled as she tried to stand. She sat back down in defeat. Well, thats something, at least. How long have we been here? What? Marcus left the jail feeling rather pleased with himself. Hed never actually had an innocent client, and Harris really was a rather pathetic example of what love could do to a person. He whistled softly as he entered his office. Parish might have been better off letting him serve out his time. As Harris said, a bed and three meals a day counted for something when a man had nothing. Rowan chews his lip. Nods. Max had been handling my finances, and Id never really thought about why my father might be giving money to Father Thurston. I think we might have to ask him about that too. He smiled, his dark eyes finding her again. Love filled them, making that darkness into something rich and all-enveloping.Yes. With Jerens help. She changes things. She changes everything. They left the perimeter of the camp, and the lights faded behind them. Vertigern walked on silently, lost in thought. He closed and reopened his fists at his side, over and over. What could he be so stressed about? Mrs. Dickson gave me the envelope when I was leaving. I opened it on the road. He doubted she really did.You said she was still a danger to herself. What about others? You okay? Gabriel was close to the top of the stairs. I was getting worried about you..