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Since I changed my ways, says Sixpence, turning soft eyes upon her. I used to be a different person, Catherine. A different man, with a different name. I was in the Royal Navy, if you can believe such a thing. I wanted what other people seemed to want. Money. A girlfriend. A nice house andmaybe a couple of kids somewhere down the road. I didnt get that kind of life. A different destiny chose me. A sign hangs above the doorframe: white letters on black wood.Bilberry Byre. Inside the girls mouth, the horrors that Samara had painstakingly created fluttered into life, creeping around the jagged teeth, and mocking the artist with taunting faces. She sensed the creatures trapped within the body composed of rich oils, the beating heart driving them out, the deep, slow drum ordering them through the dark, bloody tunnels. And the girl born of the darkness, the girl that surrounded the macabre piece, forever present, would come, shaped by the terrors that writhed and coiled from within the painted throat. No, oh no. This wasnt fair. It was too cruel. Youre very clever, says Catherine, and a tiny alarm sounds, way back in some distant bell-tower in his mind. Just for a second, shed sounded like she was mocking him. He swills the thought around like mouthwash and spits it back out. Hes thought the worst of people before and it has always cost him dear. He wants to get tonight over with. A drink and a joint by the open fire and brief bit of basking in an okay day. Apologise to your mother! Shan rose, his vulpine movements a marked contrast to her stony demeanour. Perhaps we did it together. Dont underestimate Jeren. Like I say, I might not write a word …. Jenna glared at him.I didnt lie. I have some papers to file. She held the door open, and he sashayed through before she slammed it. “What do you want to know? So its true. That stupid bitch really chose you as His bride. Her love of duty is as strong as yours. Its one of the things that makes you both such a perfect match for the other. And one of the things that divides you. She cant take much more. Sitting here idly, waiting for her brother to kill again. Waiting for the war to come to you. She wont do that, Shan. She wants revenge as much as anyone else. But there’s more. She wants justice too. If you don’t lose her to one, you’re going to lose her to the other. Youre hesitating. His voice chimed out through the chamber. While you do that, which one of them will I kill next? Your faithful traitor, Roh? Or the sword-maiden? Mind you I doubt that shes much of a maiden now— Rowan breathes in deeply.Drumming? he asks. Im sorry, Doria. The words came out fast and hard. Im so sorry. Its my fault. Time? Shed seen him hurt before. Shed seen him tortured, battered, in agony. But shed never seen him vulnerable before..