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The door to the outer office pinged, and Helena hopped off the desk.Must be our guy. Can I sit in? Im dying of curiosity. Was that the change he sensed in her? He couldnt say exactly what it was, but Jeren was different. So very different. Im just saying …, More students entered the studio, shaking off the cold from outside, and shrugging out of heavy coats. They drifted to their workstations, pulling back sheets from canvases, squeezing thick and colourful worms of paint from foil tubes, or arranging brushes like surgical implements. The background noise gradually rose to a grating chatter that tried to force its way into Samaras head. She felt the pressure and forced it back, filling her head with the rich smells of art and the brutal images seeping out from four squares of neat and perfectly square pieces of paper. We dont, and shes going to get herself killed. Were trying to protect her and bring down Christian Salyer. And if she really does have a missing child, we need to find her before Salyer kills her too. Don stuck out his hand. We can’t do that without your help. Have we got a deal? To my husband, Pat, always my hero. Yes, Mr. Dade. Hate? Who did he hate? She had found the answer to her one question. Where? This was as good a place as any. Marcus noted the lack of nervousness normally present in his clients. Parish was calm, composed, and sure of himself.Have a seat. Helena, hold my calls, please. And this Rideal? Is he the creepy one with the hair like Dracula? Ice ran threatening fingers across her heart.What changed it? Why come back? You know Mr Sixpence well? she asks, when shes finished. The darkness drew back, just a little, and she blinked, trying to find Gilliad, to focus on him. Before something else came. I gave him the note and told him to give it to Christian. That I was trading myself for my daughter. He pretty much admitted he was involved. Something in his tone made her pause. It was not entirely in jest. For the first time she saw the doubt in his silvery eyes. And something else. Something like concern, or fear.Where are we going? Someplace safe. He laughed, sending a shiver down my spine. Who do you think I am, Dakota? I dont know. Everythings turning black..