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Samara felt sorry for the creature. Marcus nodded.Absolutely. I believe your people call this a parlay. Shan gave a curt bow, a gesture of respect which he hoped might win a little trust and ease the tension. I am Shanith Al-Fallion. What is your name? Jeren made herself hold her ground.I was carrying out our fathers wishes. That stung. And if hed put it to Doria in that manner, Jeren hardly pitied him the ear bashing she must have given him. She had half a mind to lay into him herself. It was the type of stupid, overprotective thing Shan would have said. But then she looked his way and saw the concern in his gentle eyes. Not for her, but for Doria and the children. And something inside her gentled. I dont want to hit you. Youre my friend. Indarins jaw dropped. He stared at her while she spat out her words. Shan suppressed a groan. What had Indarin told her? How had he said it? For all his wisdom, when it came to their Ariah, his brother was an idiot. All different shamanic cultures have their own way of doing this, however, the basis always seems to be very similar. It was a simple as that. He could deny Anala nothing. Ghost, figment of his imagination, however she had come to be with him, there was no doubting it was her. Though she had lacked the capacity for speech in life, she had never failed to make herself fully understood. Wolf or not, for many years, she had been his closest friend. Jeren stumbled back from them, glancing belatedly at her dirty clothing. They thought her a wilder? Gods, she could imagine her mothers reaction to that! He comes and goes. Sometimes we dont even know where hes gone. Thats why we stopped accepting the private sessions. The Reiki. The healing. He only did those things as favours to old friends. We’ve pushed him too hard. He has problems…, His features softened abruptly. To her horror, he smiled.Yes, Jeren. You. Even defiled by the Shistra-Phails touch. Even with Khains mark on you. But I cant have you now, can I? Silence slammed over the gathering. Jeren looked at him, confused, unable to understand what he had just said. But Ylandra did. Colour drained from her face, bleaching her skin as if she were snow-touched. Her lips moved, trembled and her eyes glistened in the moment before they turned to granite. Rowan listens to the sound of fingertips moving swiftly over keys. He looks at his own, useless digits and swallows down a surge of jealousy..