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Ariah smiled weakly.Sometimes what we see must come to pass. Theres nothing you can do, Jeren. Not even you. This is my end. Max frowned.Nobody said anything about a call coming in from you. Who did you talk to? Her father huffed.Sam. Shan didnt move like a mortal. He seemed to dance on the air, part of the frozen landscape. True, he relied too much on his good leg, and she knew exhaustion rode him as surely as it did her, but it would still take a far greater swordsman than Dervin to best him. The thugs sword jerked no more than afoot from the scabbard before the Shistra-Phails blade sliced into his arm, severing bone. Vertigern and Elayne stood close together, as if leaning on one another for support. Grief scarred them, more than the grief of Devyns loss. There was more. Jeren frowned, pulling away from Shan as she approached. Her former betrothed looked pale, worn with concern and grief. It couldnt be good news. Vertigern finally raised his head, looked Jeren in the eyes.Im sorry, he said. “Im so sorry. No. He was pushing hard, determined to get down to what he called my real emotions. What hed refused to accept from the beginning was that I no longer had anyrealemotions. Christian made sure of that before he painted me crimson, shoved a knife in my stomach, and left me to die. Indarin stood there. The other Feyna clustered around him, staring at her. Leithen—who she had told to escape, who had ignored her—fell to his knees, his face lifted to her in adoration. Samara looked up from the desk, meeting his eyes. While the girls had enjoyed their day out shopping, hed been down the pub with a few other cabbies, watching the afternoon match and throwing a few notes on the horses. Hed done the usual Saturday routine and been home in time for his feeding before lying on the sofa to watch the news andMatch of the Day. She could smell the beer radiating from his pores from the other side of the room. A surge of sudden anger rocked through Jerens body—Shan saw it flush her skin, harden her eyes to knife points—driving out the fear and apprehension that had frozen her so far. Ylandra looked on her like a piece of dirt. Jeren held herself still and calmly met Ylandras gaze when it returned to her eyes. She was a Lady of River Holt, a descendent of heroes. Her pride would not permit her to be faced down in this manner. And he loved her for it. Youre going to kill him. The light from the hallway illuminated the interior. Curtains were blowing in the wind, and a huge rock lay in the center of the room. A note was wrapped around it. Gabriel removed it and passed it to me.We dont need fingerprints to know who its from. Rowan is saved from replying. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he manages to retrieve it without swearing too much. A call has gone straight to his voicemail service: another curse of the intermittent reception in this part of the world. He listens to the message from Harriet Kay, who runs the press office for Cumbria Constabulary. Her accent is local, her attitude too. Hes looking for Christian Salyer, Dakota. He planned all this. Angelina Clarks murder, the convenient house right next door, which he bought last year, and getting you here. We fell right into his plans of using you as bait. Strength came from somewhere, strength she shouldnt have. She rolled aside, pushed herself up on all fours and launched herself forwards, her only intent to run for the door, to get out and god help anyone or anything in her way..