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Yet you stay. Ylandra! No! Sorry, Ill shut up. Eve mimes locking her mouth shut while he takes another drink. She glances at his neck as he reclines against the headboard. He doesnt look well. His skin looks like butchers paper, the veins in his neck as clear as A-roads on a map. Thats from your book, says Snowdrop, unnecessarily. I took a picture of it from Jos iPhone and we printed it out with proper glossy paper last night. It took ages. The rest of them are all genuine though. Thats okay, isnt it? I mean, you didn’t have plans for it all, did you?Jo said I should check but I wanted it to be a surprise. I know hes a curse to the world, said Shan, as are all True Blood. The magic in their veins makes them serpent-born. [ i_001.jpg] She pushed herself up to her feet.Youre wrong. A scream rips upwards and out of her throat. The memory is perfect. Clear as day. She feels warm blood upon her skin. The Shamans blood. Sees herself clambering towards the light. She hadnt stopped for Freya. Had just clambered, drunkenly, up the jagged slope and clawed her way into the darkness of the forest. She had lost sight of Catherine. And then something startled her, and she had lashed out, unthinking, just asshe had when the pig-faced thing tried to touch her. She had hurt Eve. Had spilled her blood. Had ripped off her clothes and dragged herself through the roots and branches and fallen trees and hadnt stopped running until she fell into the arms of the Mountain Rescue men. Catherine was with them,sobbing, terrified, eyes like skulls. online dating men give phone number Exactly. Theyre lying, but why? And why did she want to? A small voice in the back of her mind laughed. It sounded like the Enchassa. It sounded like Gilliad. Why survive when Shan was as good as dead? Why survive when Ariah, of all people, had died for her? Why did she even want to go on living any more? Samara had turned in her seat, looking out of the passenger side window. Dale could barely see the tip of her nose protruding from the mass of hanging black hair. Emma, weve got to go. Aunt Karen is having a baby. Control, she had to focus on control. Eight weeks or so, Shan reckoned. Almost big enough to join the pack, except that there had been no pack to join. Not much food either. And a mother slowly dying. Had they fallen down here and become trapped? Had a pack driven them out? If she was a mother, theyd never do that. Strong stock too, Shan thought, as the wolf pup bit at his fingers, searching for food. His little teeth were sharp. A reluctant smile found its place on Shans lips as the bond between them formed, effortless as breathing, strong as his bond with Anala had been. Because she was weaving it. Tears needled the bridge of his nose with the enormity of it. Few enough were lucky to form such a bond with once in their lives. To do so twice— Her magic coiled inside her, waiting, eager now. For Gilliad. She wanted to scream with the horror of it. For Shan, it hid. For Gilliad it practically spilled out of her. He had a van. Well, more like a really tiny camper. It was a mess. All painted up with swirls and shapes and the inside was disgusting. It smelled like when grass has been left to go mouldy. Pictures aplenty, continues Snowdrop. She runs her finger down the screen. Lovely sandy beach…. Palm trees.. lovely sandy beach …blue waters … oh good, a tree with coconuts …, she looks up, grimacing. “This is not an interesting person any more…. sandy beach, oh good, a market, and ah yes, finally, a picture of her.” She turns the phone. The sacrificial lamb, I whispered, staring into the light-blue eyes of the dark-haired girl. He uses her screams to punish you if youve displeased him. Its the ultimate guilt trip. He tells you they suffered your pain then forces you to thank him. I raised my head. “If she isnt already dead, she will be as soon as Bethany pushes the wrong button.” And who is she? he asks, patiently. Shamanic priestess. Thats where she was going to go for soul retrieval. No..