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Violet opens her eyes to find her vision clouded by tears. She realises she has been speaking aloud, the words gathering softly about her mouth. She feels like sucking them back in: inhaling the uttered secrets before they can be swallowed up by anybody else. Jerens laboured breath calmed. The pain subsided and she forced her heaving chest to relax. She was drenched in sweat, but she was herself. Organize first. I started a pot of coffee, gathered notepads and pencils, took a final trip to the bathroom, then pulled the first file from the box. Id organized my files by the victims first names. They werent just dead people to me. They were sisters who had suffered the same painand humiliation at the hands of a madman that I’d gone through. I placed the file on the small dinette table then poured a cup of coffee and took my seat. Okay, Donna, talk to me. Samara looked away, staring at the back wall of the pub. The booths were wider, housing larger tables and low dividing wooden walls. Huddled groups of fat men with long beards; burlesque teenage girls with painted almond eyes and alabaster skin; young men, silver teeth, green hair and leather trench coats. Samara blinked, seeing the girl with each cohort, smiling a challenge at her, mouth hanging askew. And so the obsession had begun. Samara refused to look the girl in the eye. Instead, she gazed at the streaks and scratches of the tabletop: generations of souls trying to speak through art, successful or not. [ i_002.jpg] Shan. Her voice grated out his name. When Jeren changed the dressing on his leg, hed sat with his shoulders taut and his eyes closed. When their hands brushed, hed pulled back as if she carried disease. Enduring isnt enough. Jeren stepped from the water and took the soft towel she was offered. She wrapped it around her body and pulled it tight. She smiled.I never doubted it. Your mother is the key to this, Dakota. You know that. Do you have any idea where to look for her? Yes, agreed Brenda and pointed to the label under the inside collar. This ones Nike. Her face hardened.Daddy isnt coming. She parked in front of a huge frame house. “Daddy doesnt love Mommy anymore. He only loves you. She took my arm and dragged me from the car. “Never have children, Dakota. They ruin everything.” I saw you on the drone, says Pickle, plonking himself down in the chair and gesturing for his guests to join him. From under his seat he removes a small assemblage of metal and plastic and paint. It has two propellers on top and a state-of-the-art camera underneath. Reaching her brothers side, she knelt down. He tried to speak, but his voice failed him. He was dying. Dont tell me youre not nostalgic, smiles Eve. Released from the shadows, from slavery to a cruel mistress and an evil god, they exalted in their freedom, in their feelings, in the beauty of all around them. Transformation made their joy apparent even on their surface. The dark eyes remained, black and endless, filled now with compassion and timeless wisdom..