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He was the last one to be planted, says Crow, his hands in his pockets – a cigarette suddenly clamped between his teeth. He rocks on his heels, the heel of one shoe grinding into some greenish gravel atop the nearest plot. He got preferential treatment because hes from the valley but even then there were some buggers kicked up a fuss. What? she asked. Vickys cheerful mood has disappeared along with the last of the ale. Rowan pushes his half-full glass towards her but she ignores it. She winces as she talks. And that was all it took. A Scion of Jern spoke, and the magic held true. Leithen Roh obeyed. Carrying Jerryl, with Pern trailing behind him, he took his leave of them. Shan watched him make his way across the camp, watched the gazes that followed him of Holter and Feyna alike, the pain and loss like a pall over him. Jerens shoulders slumped, and Shan caught her before she could fall. Lady Jeren. Ill get Doria. Wait a minute! Rowena was on her feet. I dont know where he is. I did a news story after his death. A month later, I started receiving the cards. No return address, just his initials. The envelopes are there. You can see for yourself. Jeren had no choice, Shan cut in, no longer surprised at the innate need he felt to defend her. Gilliads plans for her were unspeakable. I know. When we reached the top of the steps, I let go. Im going to grab a pen. Youve had a lot of dealings, have you? asks Rowan, glancing up to see another of the enthusiastic writers promising to get in touch on Facebook. Behind her is well-built blonde woman in a waist-length Harrington jacket and bike leathers, who he hadnt noticed during the talk. She looks back as she follows the older woman out the door. Theres a toughness to her, as if she’s been hit plenty without ever tiring of hitting back. She gives the older woman a squeeze on the shoulders, congratulating her for something. Her mother wiped away a tear.I…I never thought shed… I mean, the signs were there. I just thought she didnt have it in her. What? Gabriel picked up his jacket. Shans arms encircled her at once. Are you all right? You should rest. You shouldnt be up. Another check of her coins. Just short. Shaking, she gazed into his eyes, into the silver she loved so well. His lips pursed together, parted, and closed again. Nerves? He was nervous? Always look for the weak spot, said Maldrine in a slow drawl, as he advanced, his sword shining with the ruddy light as if already stained with her blood. Thats how you hunt an animal. Eve seems to be having a conversation with herself. She sniffs, foully, and looks ready to spit. She changes her mind in deference to the company. You should have loved me. Youre not such a bad sort, Rowan..