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But you said nothing. Fethan knelt at her side, his head bowed. Shan let his eyes pass over him noncommittally, but everything about him screamed disgrace. Yes, hisses Snowdrop, performing a mini fist-pump. What do we drink? The Enchassa glanced back at Shan and gave him too-knowing a smile. And then her attention was fixed entirely on Jeren once more. The ground slammed into her back, what little breath she had left forced from her aching body. He loomed over her. Still smiling. The sun was rising when I raised my head and gently stretched my arms and legs. My body was stiff and painful from the tight tension and cramped position. I took a moment to get my bearings, my gaze drifting around the room and coming to rest on the vomit next to me. The nightmares werent really nightmares that time. I knew why Christian had led me to Charleston. Hed taken me there after Emma was born. A body was buried somewhere out back, a young jogger that had crossed our path. She was another innocent victim of his need to destroy anything pure and innocent. Hed made me watch as he butchered her. I’d vomited then, too, and the next day, Emma was gone. Really? asked Ylandra. I invoke the duty of Service on Shanith Al-Fallion. I bind him as blood warrior and guardian of both this sect and the Sect Mother until such time as the threat is past. As such he must give up all other ties and devote himself solely to the protection of his people. I picked up the backpack and the rifle.I may be gone a couple of weeks. Eve, you mean? Ms Cater? The water captured her eyes, the reflection of the stone broken as a light breeze played across the surface. The moon and the mica glittered like the tears of the Goddess. And beyond those moments of blessed light, darkness rose up from the depths to seize her conscious mind and snatch it away. Jeren rolled aside as the hulking man dropped to his knees, howling. His forearm twitched on the ground. White with dread, he looked up into a face like the Avengers own. Bends double, and pukes two and a half pints into the gutter, all bile and acid and flat real ale. He staggers away. Reaches for his stone as if it is a holy relic. Manages to stop the recording at the third attempt. Names the fileVicky. Controls his breathing and phones Serendipity. 2 Through the haze of hallucinations, Violet becomes aware of the clamminess of her skin. Its too hot inside the yurt. Its a dank, dark heat. She feels as though there is a crust forming upon him; a rind of salt and dirt. It is as if the canvas walls of the little round dwelling are made of flesh. She pictures deerskins. Sees the carcasses of flayed animals heaped into a gory red mound of festering flesh. Sees the woman who stands above him: Imagines her crimson-handed, squatting above the forest floor, a bone needle in her hands pulling lengths of sinew through the tattered buckskin pelts of slaughtered doe. Whats he doing? Leithen asked. and Book 3The Wolfs Destiny. No, thats the problem. He wont be Shan anymore, not the way you know him. Hell be a monster, wearing a semblance of Shan’s face. But not the man you love or trust. Not your mate. Do you understand me, Jeren? You can’t trust him anymore. Not for an instant. Shan is gone. What is it? Whats wrong?.