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Hello, Karen. He could almost visualize her closing her book and sitting up in bed. The air sparked with static, with the heightening sense of magic. Jeren felt its call, her blood quickening in response. A lump formed in her throat. Shan was within shouting distance, but hed never get there in time. Whatever the old man was doing felt dark, dangerous. So very wrong. But your line are his servants. Jeren told me— All right for some, says Rowan, rolling his eyes. The car looks warm. Vicky does too. He laughed. She had longed to hear that sound for so long. Now she flushed red from head to toe.You are beautiful, my wife. Let them look. You havent got a story to hand in? Shan paused, but he didnt fall back. In the tunnel beyond Gilliad, Maldrine and the guards watched helplessly. There simply wasnt room for them all to attack at once. If they moved, Shan would kill their Lord. They all knew it. Jeren seemed to be the only one who couldnt grasp the concept. Im okay, Gabriel. Hurting but okay. She smiled wistfully. There were things to appreciate about not feeling or being able to push the pain inside for someone else to feel. And any evidence I should uncover that might point a finger at the true killer, what would you like me to do with that? Vicky cocks her head slightly. Sniffs. Theres a fraction of a smile playing at her mouth. I did wonder, given that this may be quite important to your book, whether there might be a fee payable, she says, in a way Rowan immediately dislikes. “I mean, Im probably going to end up looking very bad and that might need some element of compensation, dont you think? I mean, I haven’t solicited this. I’d have kept the files under the potting shed like before, but then you start asking questions and suddenly it kind of makes sense. Maybe this is what he would have wanted. Eve’s not long for this world, I reckon. You should see the pills in her bedside table, and don’t get me started on the homeopathic shite she brews up, stinking out the kitchen like she’s steaming her smalls. Save me, Shan. Drop out of the sky and save me. Fear washed cold and bitter through her body, despite the pain and exhaustion. She didnt want to go down there, to face people from her home, for them to see her like this. Her hair was knotted with a band of leather at the back of her neck. She wore a simple tunic and trousers, all in pale grey and tan. How could a Lady of River Holt look like this? How could she face them and see their expressions? How did it get here? Leithen dragged the old mans corpse up, shook it as if it might provide an answer if he could just rattle it loose. THE END White. Makes it look pretty clean, though. Eve decides that silence is the best approach. She gives him a nod, and lightly squeezes his forearm as she moves past him, giving both soggy collies a rub behind the ear as she trudges through the yard: the grey mass of the valley opening out before her like the pages of an unfolded book. Shes left a uniformed constable waiting a little way down the hill, warm and snug in the patrol car. As she makes her way towards it shes surprised to see that there is a large silver Mercedes parked nearby, wheels precariously close to the edge of the road and the tiered drop down to the lakes edge. A burly man with receding hair and one too many chins is leaning against the bonnet, chatting to the PC. He’s wearing a dark coat over a black suit, the trouser-legs stuffed into green Wellington boots. Over the smell of the smoke and the farm; the cloying miasma of rotting hay; the iron tang of the distant lake, Eve detects a scent she remembers. It’s a blend of pipe-smoke, talcum powder and extra-strong mints. She finds herself smiling, unexpectedly, as the man on the bonnet comes into focus. Jerens head jerked up and panic filled her eyes. The same look of loss and terror Shan remembered when Anala—when Anala died..