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In time, Violet will come too. There had been a fire. Branches blackening around a small, red-gold flame. They had danced, and smoked, and drank. And then he had begun to tell them what he believed. He had begun to talk about his great undertaking. About the journeys. Hisgift. And he had made them drink. Theyd gagged on it, scared and shivering and each wanting the other to do something, to say something… Rowan gives an understanding smile.Thats okay Jo, you can come back when youre sober. Anyway, hows you? You didn’t ride that brolly, did you? That’s a point, where did you park your broomstick? Doria opened her mouth to argue, but fell silent as Jeren approached. She swept into a far more graceful bow than one would expect of her. Max laughed, hit the answer key then the speaker button, and handed it to Gabriel.Go ahead, Calvin. Were both here. For a second, Woe remained, her shape sitting on the bed beside her. The image flickered.* * * The medical examiner had already erected a tent and secured the body from sight. Officers had formed a line, keeping back curious spectators as well as the throng of bloodthirsty reporters. I held my head high and walked toward them at a slow pace, making a dramatic entrance into hell. Chris said it was a book – not a story…, Its Blackpool that youre based, still? Not without you. Its my fault youre here. You are not going to pay for it. Gilliad laughed at his expression and Shan forced his alarm back into the sickened pit of his stomach, smoothing his face and turning the agony in on himself. His gaze fell on Analas body and on Jerens, slumped at her side. Do you want a straw? she asks, over the banging of cupboards. Ahead, the tunnel narrowed, but Jeren didnt pause, as if she followed the owls unseen trail or scented the fresh air ahead the way Anala would. Jeren! Indarin followed her, cursing under his breath. Jeren, please. I have a friend with the local news channel. Rivers will be watching all those news releases. Christian also told me he expected Joshua to kill him too. I faced Gabriel. I wont have Rivers at my wedding. Its our day. Let him watch it on TV. She closed the envelope and slid it into the back pocket of her combat pants, before anyone spied the smudged fingerprints adorning its surface. Her irritation had been growing all day like a barb in his side, and yet by not responding he deliberately made it worse. It was both petty and beneath him, but somehow he couldnt bring himself to care. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner he could get back to the sect, and Jeren. Each day Shan taught her to fight. It wasnt as if there was a given time, or a particular arena. They sparred as they walked. He called it the Dance, but it was only when she watched the way he moved that she understood why. His body became liquid, graceful, drifting from one position to the next. Sometimes it seemed that she watched him in slow motion, and it was only then that she managed to dance alongside him, when she felt that she too became part of the Dance..