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Karen kept our coffee cups filled as we worked for the next three hours, sorting into different stacks.Heres a check made out to a psychiatric hospital in Manhattan for Sierra Dale. Looks like she was committed in 1994. Max held out the check. Ylandra lifted her face and stared at Shan, her eyes like malignant slivers of steel. Tears welled up behind her lashes, glittering in the moonlight. Shan slowed his pace, caution making his senses sharpen all the more. The owl gave a violent hiss and took flight in a flurry of indignation. And the Enchassa fell curiously quiet. The Ariah didnt turn to him, but she stiffened. Fethan advanced on them, his face twisted in disgust. There is no Freya, says Pearl, quietly. I dont believe I ever said he did. He slipped his arm through hers. That was the coroners testimony. Are you kidding? The only thing she wanted to talk about was herself. In a flurry of snow and shadows, she was gone. Ah, but fear was a much stronger master than shame, especially here, where they knew fear intimately, where they had felt its claws and teeth in the shadows. Violet loses interest almost at once. She glares around her at the dense, dark wood. The treetops block out most of the light and the forest floor is a tangle of fallen branches and twisted roots. They came here with their registration class a few months ago– Mr Tunstall telling them all about the history of the wood. She tries to remember what hed said. She remembers the names of the trees. Sweet chestnut. Larch. Hed said that most of the wood was planted around the time the school was built. Said it had red squirrels and that the sparrowhawks were vicious. Hed seen one tearing apart a blackcap in mid-flight. He’d talked about rhododendrons. Earned a snort of laughter from Violet when he said the numbers of great Tits were on the rise. They’d seen Mr Sixpence that day. They’d say outside his campervan in two semi-circles, bums on the damp forest floor or becoming numb on one of the rocks or tree-stumps. He’d shown them how to breathe. How to feel the universe flowing in and out of them. How to reach out with their minds and feel the cosmos. Then he’d made them find a favourite tree and hug it. She can see them now, only half laughing, wrapping their arms around gnarly, knotted trunks and pressing their faces to the bark. Violet had offered no words of scorn. She held the twisted rowan long after the other children had let go. Gabriel pointed at the main building.It looks like theres stairs going down along the side. Stay here with Max, and Ill check it out. He took off at a fast jog. Now there is only the soft drone of a fan radiator and theclick-click-click of the moth that flaps fatly at the glass behind the blinds. There is a sound behind him like distant thunder. He glances back and sees the little red car trundling slowly towards him over the pitted track. Theres a blonde lady at the wheel. He recognises her at once. Shed been at the writing group. The soft, precise touch consumed Samara, focussed and refined by the lack of all other physical sensation. Her psyche seemed to sigh in relief with this contact with the world, no matter how slight. She strained to close her eyes and be swept away by the touch, to escape the yet unknown ravages performed upon her. Her eyelids had fallen under the same paralysing spell that had conquered every muscle and tendon. She could only stare down at the girl who continued her painstaking work. I glanced at Amandas left hand, which was sporting a brand-new diamond. Day hadnt wasted any time. Congratulations. I rose, not bothering to wait for Browne. “Take care of Amanda. I can find my own way out..