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Not like that, interrupted Indarin. Jeren, its too dangerous. Dont you understand? Go give his feet a rub, then. Stick them in your armpits. They stumbled into the encampment on the edge of the sacred land. Stray not in the shadows, youll find them there, Samaras hair clung to her face and neck like oil. She wiped running mascara from her eyes and looked up. I know that you care about people. Thats why people talk to you. Why you write with compassion. I should have told you. Im sorry, Im such a fool. I should have trusted you. I didnt mean for any of this… We have to leave… He wont be back now, says Violet. His vans still there because they cant get it back to the road but they’ve had a bonfire with his stuff. Go on. Do it again. She wanted him to. If hed only kill her now it would save her from whatever he had planned for her. And from Khain. You know you want to, you sick bastard. Elayne of Erendos. Shes my finest bodyguard. Away at moment. Peace and love. No. Do you want to be as bad as them? Jeren shook herself free of Leithen and scooped up a sword from one of the fallen guards. It wasnt hers. It was an entirely mundane weapon, but that didnt matter anymore. She weighed it in her hand, testing it. Briefly, she wondered where Felans sword had gone. And her sect knife for that matter. Rowan grins.Theres the pleasure of my company, he says, doubting it will be enough. “And an acknowledgement when the book comes out. And a chance to remember a time when you were as young and good-looking as I am now. Jeren. His voice was a low growl. I will not be parted from you. But you need to learn what Indarin can teach you. Hes more than half a seer. Hes the Shaman. You need to learn not just about the sword, but also how to control your powers. And I have a duty to my people, a responsibility. You understand that, dont you? He played with the sensitive strands of hair around her temples, threading the silken lengths through his long fingers. Every eye turned to her once more. Jerens stomach trembled with the urge to fall to her knees and vomit, but she held firm. Nothing short of Shans death would induce her to show weakness now. He turned me in his arms and pressed his lips softly to mine.So am I..