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Theyre above us! she yelled, circling back. The trembling increased as the door opened and Christian entered, smiling. He was carrying a tray.Relax, darling, Im not going to hurt you. Im just going to give you a manicure. Samaras moment of acceptance all those years ago—soaking wet, blind drunk, and on her knees in a filthy alley—had not separated her from the spectre. Yet she was no longer considered as the girl outside. Samara had learned to keep her close, to familiarise and study this aspect of herself. The girl was never far away in every social interaction, forming that eternal barrier and blocking most connections. As teenagers, Lily had punctured through and provided Samaras only real intimate relationship with the world. Now Lee and Caiden did the same…but her desire to belong had long faded. They were all she needed. As a result, the girls power over her had diminished as the years slipped by, but her obsession, confessions, and admissions? These dark facets never faltered. Your women dont fight. I just picked Mam up, she says, apologetically. She loves it. I told her for years to write her stories down but shes doing it at last and shes loving it. Im always telling my old lords and ladies to get their memories down before they fade. It must be awful to have been here and nobody remember. From far off, Jerens voice came back to him, exhausted but still defiant, ringing out across the snow plains. Jerens bravery fled. Her body froze beneath his gaze and the sword hung from her hand, too heavy to lift. Okay, Mum, okay! Christ! Reaching across her desk, she swept up her pad and charcoal. He hadnt come back. She couldnt call herself broken-hearted. The owl and the Enchassa were his constant companions, whether they spoke or not. Talking to the owl would only result in the Enchassa jeering him, and talking to her would only lead to frustration. And probably madness. I mean youre about to put on a display of magic that few Shistra-Phail will be able to accept. Youre as good as announcing yourself as a Seer. Your father was a good man. His milky-grey eyes were filled with concern, but it wasnt for me. I hope youll continue his work with the church. I love you, he told her. I always will. Rowan pulls a face.I cant make sense of it, Damian, he admits. “Im not saying she wasnt a good copper but of the two cases she was involved in that I’ve looked into, she came up blank both times. Max came closer.You okay? DCI, as was, says Millward, nodding to the PC. Private sector now, of course. Better pay, shorter hours, not as many people trying to saw your balls off with a hacksaw …, A small red car is parked a little way ahead. Rowan notices mud streaks up its side and pressed into the tread of the tyres. More mud hangs from the wheel arches, where tufts of wildflowers and a ragged fistful of grass sticks out of the space between the plastic and the metal. He glances in the dirty windows as he makes his way to the back door. A tartan blanket covers the back seat. Theres a cardboard takeaway cup in the holder and a blue binder on the passenger seat. Its spotless on the inside..