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Damn you, Christian, and your games. Warren rose and stuck out his hand.Thank you, Mr. Dade. Ill do the dishes and clean up. Karen poured a cup and walked away. Thats something Im good at, at least. He reached for the cattle prod, and I shivered, moved forward slowly, and placed my hands through the bars. I wont do this. I wont let this change happen. He spoke out loud. If he let go and replied to the voice in his mind, it would loosen another thread of reality. He had to keep a grasp on what was real, what was not, and if that meant talking aloud to no one, so be it. If anyone heard, ifanyone dared say anything to him— Come on, Mike, she taunted, looking away from the spectre out in the dark. Get a move on. The other knife almost took her across the throat. She heard the grunt as the second assassin came at her and turned just in time. The blade sliced into her unmarked shoulder, bringing white hot pain with it. Im not sure about Donna. She was the first one, but after that, I suspect the woman he was torturing killed the next one, and on and on until he came to me. Her teachers high heels clattered to a stop on the worn tiles. She stared at the painting in shock rather than disgust, the first time since its creation. Samara! Why the hell…? Three men bowed as Jeren stepped down from the carriage in the market square. The rest of the townspeople—ragged, emaciated—stared open-mouthed at her. Or rather, at Shan on one side and Vertigern on the other, with Elayne, Indarin and Leithen forming a guard. Dale squinted in the brightness. It wasnt the same girl. This one clutched a black sketchpad between her tight fingers, heavy bag slung over her shoulder, lending her an almost apologetic hunch. Cute though. He knew enough girls who dressed like her. Some did it for attention. You could spot those a mile off. Boots always brand new. The band logo splashed across their chests a little too…commercial.Trendies, they called them. Fishnets and black eye liner. Others carried it well, like theyd been born in a graveyard, complete with inked sleeves and rings through their lips. Natural mistresses of the dark. The heater had barely begun to make a difference, but Dale felt the cold air sweep over him as Samara opened the door, swung her bag into the footwell, and dropped into the passenger seat. Over thirty. I dont see a good surveillance spot or a way to approach without being seen. Calvin pointed at the interior pictures. This is the most disturbing. Theyre all falling in, and I didnt see any notes of a basement in any of them. The area behind his freckles flushed a delicate pink. “I know I’m just a clerk, ma’am, but I don’t think this is what you’re looking for.” Max blew out a breath.I found one, but shes different. Names Jasmine Elam. She went missing from York three weeks ago. I glanced over my shoulder and smiled.Weare the police. Or at least you are. I slipped on my shoes.We dont know who Joshua is, and we dont have time to find out. Christian is my only chance of making sure Emma is safe. I picked up the picture of Emma from the nightstand. “Nothing matters but saving my daughter. Were meeting at eight. I’ll take my phone and call you at nine. IfI don’t call, you’ll know it didn’t go right. I closed my eyes.The walls and floor are concrete. Theres no windows and one door..