All That Happened Because One Man got Saved
After Jack Eckerd, founder of Eckerd Drugstore chain traveled with Chuck Colson, he read the story of Watergate and Colson’s testimony out of Colson’s book. One day he called Chuck Colson to tell him he believed and was a Christian. After that Jack Eckerd walked through one of his stores and saw Playboy and Penthouse with new eyes. He went back to his office, called his president, telling him to take these magazines out of his stores. The president said, “We make $3M a year on them.” Eckerd said, “Take them out of my stores. In 1700 stores across America, those magazines were removed because a man had given his life to Christ. Because of this decision great floods of people came to Eckerd’s and 12 months later 11,000 other retail outlets removed these magazines. All of this happened because one man, Jack Eckerd, gave his heart to Christ (Source unknown).