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Well, were holding evidence, and the things were holding are held for evidence. Dont be dumb. Its on Zoom. She was worried about something. But she wouldnt fully confide in me. I think she was scared. I told you that before. And she didnt want to involve me. I think she was protecting me. He had locked the ignition and had taken the keys in with him when he went in. Believe me, he wasnt taking any chances on having me take his car and drive off and leave him out there. He was after information. He wanted to know what I know about that stock that he didnt know, and minutes were precious to him. He was planning on making some more stock purchases this evening if he could. Ill go with you, Stone said. Where have you been living? Stone asked. Warner B. Gallops was not much more than twenty-four then, which would make him thirty-six now. He was a tall, very black, almost shy young man who spoke slowly and carefully as if he werent too sure of his grammar and was worried about making mistakes. The only one that I ever heard him make was his inevitable use of mens for men, but I had seen no point in correcting him, not if I wanted those eight votes that he had in his hip pocket. Yeah, you would have just shot him, and a witness could have sent you away for a long time. Freddie says that after they were there a week a special meeting of the Councils board of directors was called. This was right in the middle of negotiations with the city. Well, the first order of business was Freddie. A motion was made to fire him, it was seconded, there was no discussion, the vote was six to five, and Freddie was out of a job. After that they appointed a new executive director. He was a nobody, Freddie said, a rank and filer who knew as much about negotiating a contract as a hog does about a white shirt. I guess you remember how Freddie talks. He saw that his grandson was dead, you mean? But I thought he wasnt capable of understanding things like that anymore. Shit, talk about betrayal. Howd they figure out it wasnt suicide? Not yet. They do have one clue. shemale dating vancouver Id gotten there early so I could spend an hour catching up on my shops other campaigns. No surprises, which was good news for some and bad news for others. Nationally, my party was looking bad in four key states. There was a danger we could lose the Senate. I had the recorder all along. I called Showalter and told him I wanted a hundred thousand for it. Its my turn to have some money in this life. He said all right. But when I showed up for the hand-off at the boat dock somebody fired at me. Showalter. So I hid the recorder and Im hiding myself. Im gonna give him one more chance to pay up. I got a call into him now. If I turn up dead you let Cindy know about this letter and the stick match. She’ll know where the recorder is.Grimes No, Your Honor. shemale dating vancouver Im Travis Devine. I work here. I was a friend of Sara Ewes. .
