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I sat down on the settee and looked at Douglas Chanson. He wore a dark, almost black suit with a dove-grey vest and a plain, wide, deep-purple tie. His glistening white shirt and collar looked stiff and starched. Above the stiff collar was an equally stiff face that didnt look as if it laughed much. The bare chin that poked out from the beard was bony and narrow and above it was a small pursed mouth. Above the mouth was a thin nose and a pair of shiny brown eyes and in between the eyes were the lines of what seemed to be a perpetual vertical frown that creased the center of his pale forehead. He combed his brown and grey hair carefully down over his forehead to make it look as though it wasnt as thin as it was. Douglas Chanson, I decided, had a generous amount of vanity. christian dating virginia What did you do with that gun? And whats due time? Hed managed to cup his hand around a cigarette and light it. Two cars splashed by but the puddles were thin and they werent going fast. Yes, Mason said dryly, you could go on about your business. Id be out in the bay paddling a canoe. Before I could get back to where Im going I might be picked up and questioned—and just what would you suggest I tell them? She was waiting outside the gates for him. She had Ubered out, she told him. Seven or eight feet. Are you getting this? Mason asked. No, someone even better. Then the route between your brain and your tongue has recently been cleared. christian dating virginia Yeah, we can, cant we, he said. Okay, lets go. He started toward the door, then stopped, and turned back to me. “You know something?” They didnt kill me right away. Devines mother was a first-generation American of Greek extraction, and he had taken after her in looks, while his siblings had favored their Irish father. Devine had dark, wavy hair, olive skin, a thickened nose, rugged chin, square jawline, and deep-set eyes that seemed to automatically broadcast brooding regardless of what he was actually thinking. Some people just thought he always looked pissed off. And maybe he was. And his five oclock shadow seemed to sneak up on him at noon. It didnt look exotic or cool; it just looked grungy. Of what? I think they believe I had something to do with it. Well, I guess what Im saying is that I think you guys oughta leave. Murfin smiled just a little as he said it. I stood up and started toward Murfin, an empty bottle of Falstaff in my right hand. Vullo didnt want to talk about Hundermark anymore. He wanted to talk about me. What happened to you after you got fired? christian dating virginia Im telling you the truth. I wouldnt lie to my lawyer. christian dating virginia.
