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The Court is quite able to straighten things out for itself, if they can be straightened, Judge Hoyt said. The Court doesnt need a guardian or an interpreter. She raised inquiring eyebrows at Mason, caught his nod, said,Thatll be fine, Paul. The Chief will be expecting you. I'll be waiting at the door. A deep breath.Mom is convinced this one is for real. Chapter 45 Devine looked at the other two guys as the rain started to fall. Remorseless bastards paid to do harm. He had seen enough of such men. They all pretty much looked the same. Zombies with guns. Now, Mr. Dixon, directing your attention to the late afternoon of the third, will you tell us what happened of your own knowledge with reference to Miss Fenners apartment? Please hold. What? Now then, Hamilton Burger said, did you have occasion to search the purse of the defendant? A stunned Devine slowly opened it and started to read what was inside. Id like you to talk to him. I quit thinking about Brown and Booth and their conspiracies, both of which had changed history, and went back to The Mysterious Conspiracy Concerning Arch Mix. Mix had disappeared and so far no one knew what had happened to him. Two people who perhaps thought they knew had been killed. Furthermore, the labor union that Mix had headed was making some strange moves out in St. Louis and tomorrow I would fly out there to see if somehow that might have something to do with Mixs disappearance. Maybe it would all turn out to be part of some giant conspiracy. And then again, maybe it wouldnt, for if my Uncle Slick were right, there was a chance that Arch Mix was still alive. He wouldnt hurt my granddad. He knows how much I love him. It was the guy who was pretending to be NYPD, and a pair of thugs. They had guns and knives. Thats how I got this scratch. He held up his hand. And when Will found out it was you? He looked at Devine with his head cocked and his features full of incredulity.Dude? Digital signature is unique, okay? Im no amateur. Harvey, Gallops said. I turned again. He was leaning back in his chair, staring up at me, a look of honest puzzlement on his face. Della Street raised her eyebrows. If you really want something to do, Im sure they can find you plenty of work at the campaign headquarters. Devine sat up in his bed, laid his pillow next to his right hand, sat back against the headboard, and slipped his hand under the pillow where it gripped something..