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Im a responsible citizen. I find you committing burglary and circumstances conspire to put me in a position of helping you out. Thats Chiltons BMW in front, observed Devine. The doorbell rang. What did it was how they treated Katherine when she was sick. They let the public know about it because it was good press — the poor congresswoman and all that bullshit — but if it hadnt been for Nan and me, Katherine wouldve been alone most of the time. He took his hands apart, then raised his head. They just got worse and worse and worse over the years. With her, I mean. There’s no room for anybody but them. For Katherine’s sake I decided to take away the only thing that mattered to them.’ Lemme tell you something about this here compulsory arbitration, he said. If we got a dispute with the city, well, the citys gonna be just as scared of what might come out of compulsory arbitration as we are. Shit, they dont know what kind of a deal might come out of it. Maybe theyd have to pay more than they would if they sat down with us and hammered out a contract. And that fear of the unknown is what we oughta count on. Because it’ll drive the city back to the bargaining table and make ’em work out a settlement that we can both live with. But doesnt he own it all? No questions, Mason said. Stone walked quietly across the living room and into the entry hall, then peered through the glass top of the front door. A man stood with his back to the door, waiting, a tan leather document case tucked under his arm. Near him was a motorcycle with something in French painted on it, and he was husky in build. Yes, sir. Mr. Lutts died between four-twenty and four-forty. I watch TV, too, Stone replied. Please dont call me again. He hung up. Immediately, the phone rang again. This time there was a kind of weary disbelief in the shake that Oxley gave his head.And youre sure hes never been a cop? Youre so good to me, she murmured sarcastically. He was wrong. And that someone might be you, Campbell said. Any word on Whitewall Guy?.