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Mason nodded without enthusiasm.Im not going to put any words in her mouth, Della. Im just going to ask her. Need that lawyer yet? I found out that Sara had artificial insemination. She used a sperm donor. A car some thirty yards ahead pulled out from its place at the curb, and Mason moved on, making an awkward attempt to park his car. In that way he was able to keep it pointed out in traffic, yet couldnt have been ticketed for double-parking. There were also some nice photographs of the Ozarks, a shoe factory, the Mississippi River, some farm scenes, and one of Saarinens 630-foot-high stainless-steel catenary gateway arch which a lot of people in St. Louis still think looks like a plug for McDonalds hamburgers. In addition to the photographs there was a large oil portrait of the Senator in a grave pose that made him look concerned and statesmanlike. I dont know, Viv replied, like someone on the front porch. Mason nodded. Dog food, but the cops are out shopping for that. Sure. You know where it is. I did. Then we let go. Yes. Her mother was not in favor of same-sex couples and made no secret of it. Heavens, I havent heard from her for weeks. She was down in South America and … well, I guess she stayed there for quite a while, hoping that thered be some trace of Corrine. She was very much attached to Corrine, and I know she felt bitter against Minerva Danby because of the way Minerva Danby walked out. Well, after reading that letter, I dont know as I blame Minerva—I’d always felt rather bitter toward her from what I’d understood from Carmen’s letters, and then—well, I can see now how it was from Minerva’s standpoint. I think Carmen came back once when it seemed that Corrine might be here in this country, but it tinned out to be a false lead and she went right back to South America. I don’t know where she is now. Della Street said,Well, boys will be boys. The walls were covered in yellow and green Post-it notes. She had three large computer screens on her desk. There was a white-board that had revenue and profit projections, and a business flow chart along with a corporate organizational schematic. It was a two-story brick building with a flat front. Downstairs was the bar and card-gaming area and upstairs was the main hall, which was large enough to seat probably 500 persons if all the chairs were up, which they werent. Only fifty or sixty folding chairs had been set up in five or six rows in front of the speakers podium. The podium rested on a long table. Quite frequently. We didnt get along. Oh, quite. I dont think he hesitated more than a day or two after Mix disappeared before he assumed full direction of the unions affairs. But then, someone had to..