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Explain in fuller detail. Or two, Stone added. They think you have the recorder. Oh, sure, Mason said. Good Lord, Paul, I wouldnt want you to sit here and work without dinner. He left her there and rode out into the night on his motorcycle for his appointment with Brad Cowl. Where did he go? I nodded.We were down there for quite a while. We told them what we saw. Oxley wasnt too much impressed with my description, but he thought Murfins was superb. He had expected her to thank him for his service like everyone else, so this threw Devine a little. He answered more truthfully than he probably intended.To piss off my old man. Betty called twenty minutes after I talked to the cab company. She had a soft, intelligent voice.I got a message to call you. Promptly at eleven-thirty Judge Sedgwick reconvened court. Schlepping on a train in and out every day like mice on a tread-mill. But on the other hand, I need them to do exactly that to keepmy dream going. But Im not a total dick, despite what some say about me. I was born into money, and then by the time I could count, it was all gone, because my father and grandfather were morons. So I know what its like to have zip. I could have grown up a legacy kid, gotten into all the Ivy Leagues I needed through those connections. And then I could have become an entitled prick all nice and polite and holding my fork and cup just so, while I stab you in the back. Instead, Im a street fighter who chooses to stab you in the front, which you have to admit is a lot fairer. He eyed Devine, as though to make sure he was listening,really listening, to all this.So, I know what it’s like to ride that train, but it’s partly a gravy train. They’re not doing it for free, and the lowest paid on there who work in my world make a shitload more money than most folks. Everything except the client. Locked up where? Dino asked. The jury of seven men and five women arose, held up their right hands and were sworn to try the issues well and faithfully in the case of the People of the State of California on the one hand and Dorothy Fenner on the other. He had been half expecting something like that, and there it was. In addition to some regret, he also felt some relief. After all, Holly was due in town in a few days, and who knew where that was going? The very least he could do was to be available for her and whatever she wanted. Shes the president of our Current Topics club. Shes remarkably well informed..