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Hed managed to cup his hand around a cigarette and light it. Two cars splashed by but the puddles were thin and they werent going fast. I didnt. I came into town to see a play. Then I thought Id come over here just to look at the place. I was thinking about Sara, you see. Then I saw you two get out of a cab and come in here. I didnt want to bother you, so I went away for a while. But the more I thought about it, I just wanted to let you know how sorry I was. I didn’t know how long you were staying and didn’t know if I would have another chance. I was told you were coming in from another country. Whered I get the idea that your farm was in West Virginia? And is my work for you my third act of penance? Well, that pretty much ruins my day. Forever, Viv echoed. Wait here, Ill be right back. Drake put through the call. And when he woke up the next morning, he had never felt more depressed. This wasnt about reward. This wasnt about making money and owning his own palace one day. Or making his father proud. That ship had long since sailed. This whole business is absurd, Alder said. I was excited Saturday night, and I was confused yesterday morning. I didnt realize any lawyer was going to browbeat me… Ive already stated that. Yeah. He has an uncle who owns some property out in the country. Maybe ten acres is all. Theres this old trailer on it. An old silver one. We always used that as a hangout in high school. Take girls out there and drink beer and get laid if we got lucky. Damned thing is falling apart by now, Im sure, but knowing Dave he probably hasnt given up on it.’ I dont have to base it on anything. She looked him over. You were in the Army. You know how to kill people. When the radio was on, I tried to sit back, listening to the radio the way a person would. I was thinking that those reasons were very much like those of the gunfighter in a western who stops gunfighting and settles down to something else. Mason paused at the first service station where there was a telephone.Ill only be a minute, he told Doxey. He called Paul Drakes office. “Paul, do you still have contacts with the newspaper reporters who cover police headquarters? Mr. Myers?.