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No, but Im thinking about it. You attended the meeting of the directors on the third of June of this year? The car was a black four-door sedan, a Plymouth, I thought. Its front doors opened and two men got out. A third man got out of the rear of the car. The three men had guns in their hands. I recognized the first two men. One of them, sitting outside my sisters house, had told me that his name was Detective Knaster, but he had lied. The other man was dark and had caterpillar eyebrows and the last time I had seen him he had been bounding down some stairs after having cut Max Quanes throat. Stone let his vision wander ahead, and he was stunned by what he saw. There didnt seem to be a building standing in the Abacos Island group. Longmire. Harvey A. Longmire. Another wag got another collective laugh but by then I was at the door and pushing into the smoky-smelling chill of the autumn night. Id had to park on the next long block. The bar had only a tiny parking lot so most customers had to use the curb. His phone dinged. He looked down as every bit of breath in his body left him. No, he paid for his paper, and now hes walking out. He had locked the ignition and had taken the keys in with him when he went in. Believe me, he wasnt taking any chances on having me take his car and drive off and leave him out there. He was after information. He wanted to know what I know about that stock that he didnt know, and minutes were precious to him. He was planning on making some more stock purchases this evening if he could. We reviewed the report your friend Valentine cobbled together. That was hardly all of it, and were working on finding out more. From what we can make out, foreign interests who are no friend of the United States own more of this country than most people, myself included, can even comprehend. And a lot of politicians across the country have received dark money from these same groups. Relax, Stone said to Jenna, hes with us. Hes really the campaign manager, Abby said. Casinos always remind me of being on cruise ships. I knew her. Drake sighed.I should have known it. Ive ruined my stomach earning per diems and eating hamburgers, while you and Della are collecting big fees and reveling in juicy steaks. But doesnt he own it all? Travis R. Devine. The smallest Ive got is a ten. Maybe..