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Did pretty good, too, Murfin said. He spent maybe a million or so and ninety-six percent of the ones he backed got elected and it was gonna be veto-proof, except it didnt quite work out like that, and Vullo got a little disillusioned with politics. Well, hopefully we can put an end to those impersonations, and to him. Because I dont want to run into that guy again if I dont have to. Now, unlike Dino, youre starting to make sense. Well—yes, if you want to put it that way. Three shotgun pellets removed. I was lucky. He was looking for sympathy, and he had found it. In which event, Mason went on as though he had not been interrupted, we would, of course, be in a position to sue Mrs. Claffin, who owns the property on the north, for having invaded our right of lateral support. These would be, as shed told me when I suggested admitting that the assassination attempt had been, in fact, contrived, the most difficult words to speak. Wouldnt admitting that the incident had been a fraud simply sound like a confession? But not agree with them? One of my men got there and saw the scratches on th» inside of that paneled closet door. He said you could where the dog had been in a perfect frenzy, trying to out. The scratches were all so fresh that there were still little splinters hanging to the places where the claw marks cut across die panels. Did I mention that every BMW motorcycle Ive ever seen was black? None of this property has been recovered by the police? None whatever. Forever, Viv echoed. Thank you, Doxey said. I will. Can you leave a number where he can call you? I think Ive come up with a really good idea, Dev..